Okay so in the time that I was busy doing homework and watching danisnotonfire, AmazingPhil, and IISuperwomanII, three people posted on this... You know, hw is friggin distracting and should be burned in a fiery pit of fire. @BrobyDDark - Uhh, anime/manga...? @Amethyst - Is it about the whole Percy thing in House of Hades? I had to read that book when my friend told me. I then got frustrated, but then my obsessions got the better of me... I should probably put that in my siggie... And I'd love to be your friend! @SouloftheAbyss - I'm more knowledgeable in Hetalia (blame the 12 year old cousin) so I'd probably talk about Hetalia more. XD I mean, seriously, I've written about 10 Hetalia fics within the last month. Man, you know, I'm always afraid of voicing my obsessions to people on forums and stuff because I'm always scared that I'd get rejected... Go figure. (*coughiblamethecousincough*)