Also just a heads up for post-chapter times, if you're feeling the niggle to play something in this universe again but the new chapter isn't set up, I may have the solution. Basically the conclusion opened up a decent amount of options for me, and Kap has given me the thumbs up for a possible RP in the same universe, albeit not directly connected to the main In Nomine storyline. It's still in its formation stages right now, but if you liked what I did with Scalpel's stuff you might enjoy this, as is customary, it's going to have a lot of strangeness, moral greyness and general Eldy specific attributes. It's not going to be thrusting you into a Lovecraftian hellhole however, but it is going to be a rather strange and slightly unsettling, setting. I'm going to be working off the "stranger in a strange land" vibe to its fullest. Once this story is concluded properly I'll be able to talk more about it, as if I did it now It'd deal out some massive spoilers. As it is, if your interested, keep your ears open either on the chat, or alternately in the OOC here for updates. You lot are extremely talented and - most importantly - loyal players, it'd be a joy to sign some of you up.