[quote=@Unfortunately] so i only actually read this right now Excessive fear of mundane things to the point that it's actually a weakness is a bit too Orean-cliche. Instead, you can opt for [i]actual[/i] weaknesses, like holy items (because witches and demon-gotten powers) or a tendency to underestimate people. [/quote] [hider=Marci2.25]Appearance: [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/4f2bbda0b6530599b27c742c07e00851/tumblr_neb5vebri01r8sg8xo1_500.gif[/img] 5 foot 'n 5 inches. Five five. Hue. Name: Marcia Germano. Nickname: Marci 2.0 Species: OOOOO SPOOKI Marci 2.0 is a witch. What caused her to become a witch? Making a deal with ze devil, of course! Who wouldn't ass up the opportunity to gain immense amounts of power, the ability to know any and all language, immortality, and all kinds of other shit! Magics and hauntings and transformations and almost everything else in the book! Age: Thousands, ten thousands, hundred of thousands of years old. She lost count after that new calendar started--really, now they wanted to count the years!? What idiots. Sex: Female, and forever female. Job: She's just a student. Powers: Let us look. She can transform into cats, dogs, birds, bears, lions, and tigers, oh my! Somehow she still messes up the transformation back to her human form, with one (usually small) body part still there, but she can transform into most land and sky animals that she has studied. Oh, good 'ol immortality, how would Marci live without you? The answer is; she wouldn't. She was given immortality due to her deal, and now she still lives after many, many wars. Oh, Marci can also control inanimate objects, like lights, doors, paper, pencils, and she can even make mirrors show a deformed version of the one looking into the mirror. She can also cause illusions, usually attempting for one to become insane. Do you remember the ice from old Marci? This Marci has it. Throwing knives, weaknesses and all, this Marci has all of that. This Marci can also use ice to surround something she chooses to, and even have it break into little bits to stab someone with. That's always fun. Weaknesses: Somehow, she is allergic to citrus. Very allergic. She also has a fear of bugs. Any bug. No bugs. No bugs allowed at all. She can't deal with fire well, as she was never really interested in it, only ice. So, she never studied it, or even tried to learn about it. Warmth is a strange thing to her, as she's been cold for as long as she can remember. Holy items fuck her up like there's no tomorrow. Holy water is almost the worst thing to her, as it limits her powers greatly and causes her to be drowsy, and weak. Witch balls send her off immediately, and she absolutely hates being around any type of salt, which is why she actually reads the inredients. She underestimates other's powers, and this commonly leads to her downfall if her opponent has something up her sleeve, as she thinks most are inferior compared to her and her powers. She can't predict moves too well, unless she knows tons of things about her opponent, as well. Personality: Sadist. A HUGE thing about Marci. She enjoys others being in pain, others going insane, others feeling discomfort, she enjoys it all oh, so much. Its why she loves to spook. She also likes the sight of blood all over the place. You could say she's gone insane after all these years, and that'd be slightly true. She talks to herself a lot, and sometimes people think she talks to things or sees things that aren't there, but they're just ghosts, really. She has a very short temper, and if you do get her angry a certain amount of times, she WILL snap and proceed to haunt you for life, including the afterlife. So, be careful, I guess. She hasn't talked too much to others in the past thirty years, as she has spent most of her time studying. As such, she doesn't want to talk much, and only says what she thinks needs to be said. Skills: She knows any and every language known to man, and even some nobody else knows. She is good at being scary, and changing her voice to make it much deeper. Hobbies: Spook their targets. Background: Marcia Germano began life hundreds of thousands of years ago, where the amount of humans on earth were low. Very low, compared to now. She was a smart girl who lived in what is now Hereford, and was raised normally. There had been a point in time in which she was, to keep it short, abused. Taken advantage of by many others, and she wasn't nearly strong enough to stop any of it. She felt like she wanted to kill any and all of those now dead, dead humans. There had been one point in time, one strange point in time, where the devil had noticed her, and its messenger had contacted her, giving her many sheets of paper to read over ang sign. These sheets, also known as 'The Deal with the Devil,' as she says, listed exactly what Marci wanted to do, how she wanted to live, and she enjoyed the idea. Immortality. Power. Power. Immortality. It was all there, in clear handwriting. She signed it. Quickly she felt a change. She felt much more powerful than before, she could see the spirits of the dead roaming around where she roamed around, she found out she could haunt small objects. She used this to her advantage. That small village went up in flames. Living in secret for the majority of her life after the burning, she studied. Nature. Tons of it. She then realized-- her powers could help her control these things, and she simply had to practice it. Guess what she did? Practiced it. And she got good. She was feared by many, before making her escape from society once more, removing all proof of her every existing that anyone could have. About thirty thousand years later, she still hasn't learned everything she wants to know. And so she enrolled here, hoping that nobody would notice a thing about her, so she could betray them like she had been, and laugh as they fell into depression. Or just fall in love and have her plans backfire. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Optionals: Vaguely remembers a white-haired girl who fought her with ice knives in some boat pajamas before said girl was easily killed. Likes: Sweets. Music. Haunting. Others in pain. Causing said pain. Nazi Germany. Dislikes: Italy. Not being the one causing the pain of her target that she wants to fuck with. Mexico. Theme song: [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVN1B-tUpgs[/youtube] Clubs: no. Dreams: The world burning. [hider=My Hider] Inside of a small apartment, a short, blonde girl sat near a window, observing the chaos down below in this little Chinese area. A man being shot down by a tank. Blood on her window. She chuckled, and went to bite on the petal of a flower, one of her previous favorite pastimes. Here she was, never able to leave this Earth. What a sad place. She'd want to be powerful enough to burn it down like she did her small village, see the humans writhe in pain as she broke all of their bones, choked their lovers, stabbed their fathers, torture the mothers. What fun that would be. She sighed. "It's not fair." [/hider][/hider]Now you have ideas. Was going to edit her anyways, but there you go. Marci 2.25. Marci 2.5 coming soon as I attempt to fix some flaws I have noticed while at school, and as I get time. Work on collab starts as soon as I can get the finalized, hopefully accepted version (Marci 2.75) finished. When I get 2.75 finished and the collab up, work will begin on a Science teacher.