[center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-cAN1j8Ynvqc/UlBSnVb8TnI/AAAAAAAAFGk/8EfAf0THQqI/s1600/Kill+la+Kill+-+01+-+Large+12.jpg[/img][/center] It is said that one should not look to their betters and see themselves in their seat. It is said that commoners are nothing but lowly pigs in human clothes by those of stronger blood lines. And it is also said that the world is filled with people of ambition as well. As the Kiryuin Family expands it's holdings across the world more and more young people and old families are being swallowed by their grip. Cultures, nations, and entire people are slowly becoming a part of their new system. Some people resist to varying successes. Some people want to continue on with their lives and do their best to move on in the system created by the new powerful family. However as it is said a disease takes weeks to get rid of...and some never fully go away. The story of a young group of adolescent kids of little prestige make their way to the city of Kyushu, A prototype of the city known as Honoji where the famous Satsuki Kiryuin now rules with an iron fist for her mother, with the intent of taking it over...by using it's own system against it. These teenagers were assigned by a man called Director Kenta Sanshiro, a former president of a school called Berlin High from deep in Germany that was taken over by the Kiryuin about two years ago. In an attempt to regain a foothold and force out the Kiryuin Company these children have an assigned goal: Take the city's Goku uniforms and turn the city over to to Kenta. These kids were assigned to this for various reasons and some different than others. Each may have their own reason to take out the Kiryuin family or maybe it's just all a game to them? Regardless as these children make their way to the city under the control of the nephew of Ragyo Kiryuin, Nero Kiryuin the famed son of a distant relative of the infamous business woman, and with their journey to the city coming to an end...a whole new one starts...for better or worse. === [img]https://sugoireview.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/kill-la-kill-01-large-02.jpg[/img] [i]Rules are important! Obey them pigs in human clothes![/i] 1. Kamui uniforms won't be available for use to us in this roleplay. I may consider changing this late game in the roleplay but due to the rarity of the uniforms and their powers I don't like giving such powerful items away. For more info see the lines at the bottom of the FAQ to see how we'll be starting in regards to uniforms. 2. Your character will need a specific set of weaknesses not just some personality junk actual physical downsides. Range/Tactics/Physical capabilities. Your character should have a good rounded set of strengths and weaknesses. 3. This is not a low casual roleplay. I expect at least a paragraph and a half per post and a character sheet with some depth put into it. If there is some plot point you don't want included then add fluff or tell me about it. 4. As GM I reserve the right to deny your character if I don't like it. Likewise I have the final word in what happens in this roleplay. Like Satsuki Kiryuin I have no time for pigs in human clothing who think they're better than the system. That being said I am not some evil despot. I will compromise with you. You can argue but how successful you will be in doing so will vary. 5. If you join this roleplay or show interest please tell me if you drop out or lose interest. Resulting in not doing so will result in a barring from any of my future roleplays. I have an extreme distaste for any people who lack the simple courtesy of saying "I'm out sorry' === Student Roster: Aaron Disney - VanceXentan Eika Munashii - Shiinen === Kyushu's People of Importance!: (Non-Player Characters Roster) [url=https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/454867153791897600/iq1kYf4I_400x400.jpeg]Nero Kiryuin[/url] - Head of the Student Council/Controller of Kyushu Academy (Picture is not the uniform he wears just the face) [url=http://cdn.animepeace.jp/chjp/130/130727.png]Kotaro Hojo[/url] - Head of Disciplinary Comity - Three Star [url=http://images6.fanpop.com/image/answers/3060000/3060669_1351861864898.31res_500_283.jpg]Ranmaru Sasaki[/url] - No-Star Student Mr. Chang Song - Homeroom Teacher of Class 3-A [url=http://www.wallsave.com/wallpapers/2560x1600/women-eyes-artwork-drawings-faces/1972407/women-eyes-artwork-drawings-faces-green-short-hair-anime-boys-girls-akarasamana-1972407.jpg]Mami Ikari[/url] - Student council member, Three Star, President of Announcements and Public Information and Head of the Digital Media Club [url=http://img1.ak.crunchyroll.com/i/spire4/fc5c3da3f1cc70b979b767fb1c6b24521224898771_full.jpg]Yoshi Kanada[/url] - Kendo Captain Third Year Two star === Character Sheet: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (Written or picture) Star Ranking/Goku Uniform: (All characters starting as no-stars update this as we go through the roleplay) Strengths: (Need rounded out strengths that make sense. If you're super close range you'll suffer hard in range. If you're good at strategy you'll suffer in some other category. Note Strategic abilities don't essentially mean you'll be good at adaptability.) Weaknesses: (Needs rounded out weaknesses not just personality based weaknesses) Favorite Activity: (Basically what your goku uniform will be when you receive it. If you are a swimmer it gives you some sort of powers based off it when you hit two star.) Personality: Biography/history: (Remember all characters at the start of this roleplay will have at least been to Berlin Academy once in their life. Give a reason why you out of all the students in the school's history were chosen for this job. If plot secret then send me a message) -- Weapons: (Anything not related to the Goku uniform. Generic weapons and other equipment) Items: (Anything not used for combat) --- Other: (Anything you need to add that isn't above goes here)