[h3][color=orange]~ Carmen ~[/color][/h3] Carmen was amused at the variety of reactions to her form change. Intensive study, nonchalant amusement, and very chalant amazement all occurred in a matter of seconds. [color=orange]"I've had some time to practice,"[/color] she replied to Criston with a playful smile. Turning to the quite formal-speaking reaper, she replied [color=orange]"Take your time,"[/color] accompanied by a polite grin. She found it curious that the man assumed instantly that she was enthralled by his piece and dearly wanted to have it. Soon he moved to a different group of people and Carmen was left with Criston and the girl who had been amazed while they waited for something to happen. [color=orange]I don't believe we've met,"[/color] she said to the girl while extending an outstretched hand and a polite smile. [color=orange]"I'm Carmen."[/color] [h3][color=red]~ Mizuki ~[/color][/h3] [color=red]"It's really just the calamity,"[/color] Mizuki said as she walked over to the average-looking black-haired male. [color=red]"Other people get angry, I get happy. That's how it works."[/color] She picked up both drinks at once when she reached the bar. [color=red]"And by that I mean I become slightly less likely to incinerate everything,"[/color] she explained, her tails lighting up with blue fox-fire partly involuntarily and partly to make a point. [color=red]"It's Kelly,"[/color] she said, giving her human name. [color=red]"That won't help much, though,"[/color] she pointed out, and began drinking one of the long islands. Deep down, Mizuki knew that somewhere in her heart was her benelovent zenko side. She had always had too much time to think, and she wondered why she thrived on other people's anger and misery. Thus was the way of the nogitsune, of course, but she knew that was only part of her spiritual genetics. Until her quest was resolved, however, her malicious side would reign supreme.