[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9f/d7/00/9fd700733c8662864bcba9ea6c6c795a.jpg[/img] Grant Kingston | 17 | Male | 3rd Year | Bisexual | + Napping + Takeout + Running + Drama (the acting kind) + Writing + Foreign languages - Humidity - Drama (the human kind) - Elitist jerks - Dancing at parties - Breakfast food - Math | Laid back | Independent | Cynical | Lazy | Curious | Though he's not dumb, nor is he stubborn, nor is he unwilling to learn, Grant just really hates people telling him what to do. Usually he just accepts orders passively and then does fuck-all to actually act on them. He's never confrontational about it, though. When he is able to choose what he wants to do, he is actually pretty bright and excited to learn. He suffers, though, in highly rigorous, structured environments. Somewhat ambivalent towards the whole match thing, but passively. | Biography | After struggling through his first years of regular schooling, his mother pulled him out of class and homeschooled him. In this environment he was much more successful, though he grew exponentially in some areas and suffered in others. He loved reading, writing, and speaking, (foreign languages especially) but found little joy in algebra, geometry, and physics. During his first year of high school, his mother was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and so, for her, he decided to head off to school (real school, he calls it). His mother is recovering now, and says he can return to the way it was soon, if he wants to. He likes the social environment of the school, though, and is still figuring out what he wants to do.