Darius watched the man in the tower while he counted down the time until the attack. While having Ssarak fly into the fray sounded like a good way cause confusion, these men had a way to shoot Ssarak out of the sky. Drunk or not, that was a chance that Darius couldn't take, so he positioned himself as close as he could to the tower. It was almost time. An explosion rattled the quiet woods. Darius smirked. If anyone knew how to make a scene, it was Alaira. Without another thought, Darius made his way to the fence that separated the woods from the camp. It was obviously made to keep the wildlife out. Humans were another matter. With a grunt, he pulled himself over the fence and entered. There seemed to be no one around the area he had entered. Good. Darius unsheathed his dagger and climbed the tower as quietly as he could. [hr] Leith sighed as Grey put the kid down. It was time to see what this kid knew. He was on his way to fetch Mar when the voice spoke to him again, stopping him after a few steps. Leith frowned as he looked from the woman in rags to the man who spoke of justice, an idea forming in his mind. As he started making his way to Mar and Coco, Grey spoke, telling Althalus to go. [color=#00FFFF]"I think I am better equipped for fighting fire. Besides, you do [i]not[/i] want her to get close at all. She's a Vitamancer, and I don't think she's like Lidda at all."[/color] Leith paused for a second before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a rune and handing it to Althalus. [color=#00FFFF]"Here. It's a Psychomancy rune for communication. I've got the other one. Think at it, and it should work."[/color] Without another thought Leith ran towards Mar and Coco. When he arrived, he frowned at the man. [color=#00FFFF]"You speak of justice, but aren't you the one of the people that massacred this village?"[/color]