[i][color=f6989d]Elizabeth Hawkins[/color][/i] - [u]Tea for Two[/u] [i][color=f6989d]Sunday, September 7th, 1974[/color][/i] Another teasing jab at her expense caused the coy smirk about Elizabeth's lips to rise to a state of permanence, even as she as well as the other quieted some to partake in their meals. Noting how he was being so proper almost prompted her towards a humorous quip, as she could all too easily remember how swiftly he had devoured food as a child. Almost akin to a rabid and starved wolf; but now with his stiff mannerisms, she could not help the brief softness of her gaze in his direction. It was bittersweet though, reminding her of how much she missed her home. Yet he spoke forwardly to her roommate, and there it was again at even the thought. A twinge or twist in her heart. [i]Envy[/i]. Shaking it away and not letting it rise up in the least upon her complexion or poise, she lofted a brow as he excused himself towards their inevitable meeting. Barely a few moments later, the Alchemist similarly finished her meal and slowly slid out from where she sat. Glancing apologetically to Maribeth in turn, as she had promised something to her almost exactly the same that Michael had apparently promised Kiddo. [color=f6989d]"So sorry, Maribeth."[/color] She began quietly, glancing as she watched Michael disappear from the doorframe. [color=f6989d]"It seems I too have an appointment with nostalgia. Would you mind a rain check for tomorrow? It won't be a bodge of a job either, you can flutter on that. See you back in quarters tonight!"[/color] Standing up herself and dusting off the pleats of her skirt before plucking up her tray, Elizabeth turned smoothly and placed in the depository for used food trays before gracefully making her own way towards the exit. Confidently making her way towards the theater and sauntering ever casually as to disguise the excitement in her step, it didn't take her too terribly long to arrive after Michael. Just in time to watch him dance a touch and notice her before sitting upon the edge of the polished wood itself. His sigh was dramatic and a farce and she knew it by the brilliant smile upon his face. The loyal [color=a2d39c]Hound[/color] was just as excited to see the [i][color=f6989d]Fox[/color][/i] as [color=f6989d]she[/color] was to see [color=a2d39c]him[/color]. [color=f6989d]"Oh come now Michael, you know that I make mischief from time to time; but not of the sort that Merlin would send you here for."[/color] She replied to him in a hushed tone, just in case there were prying ears as she walked closer, settling her palms upon the stage as she stood beside where he sat. [color=f6989d]"Though, if she sent you here...I can only [i]imagine[/i] what is lurking beneath the pristine act that they're putting forth."[/color] [color=f6989d]"I've been here for three years now though,"[/color] the Alchemist added. [color=f6989d]"Nicolas wanted me sent here for higher education, plus to translate a few texts that this school procured of his writing. I have three of the five, still need to find the remaining two."[/color] With a little touch of force she lifted herself upward upon the stage, casually striding to the back where she dug into one of her several hiding spots throughout the school to extract a porcelain kettle, and two teacups. Then finding the sink in the back, she filled it with cold water and placed a teabag into each cup before returning to sit just a few feet away from Michael. [color=f6989d]"I've gotten quite good, you know."[/color] She began, holding the kettle in both hands as she glanced upward to the boy. It happened with a flicker of her will and little more as with a thin tracing of electrifying looking sapphire light across the bottom of the kettle, the water went from bitterly cold to boiling in the matter of a split second. [color=f6989d]"Thanks to Nicolas' help, naturally."[/color] Pouring the hot water into both cups and taking her own teabag of Earl Grey and dipping it while she watched it cloud up the heated liquid, she glanced up to Michael. Biting her lip for a second, she found the humility to at least confess to one thing. [color=f6989d]"I don't just miss the isles, though."[/color] The Alchemist admitted, plucking up the porcelain saucer lined with gold and the teacup upon it. Ringing her index finger into the cup, she spoke into it almost embarrassed in a way. [color=f6989d]"I missed you."[/color] For a mere moment she looked weakly over to him. [color=f6989d]"It's been rather lonely."[/color] With the tea, the tone quickly changed from the sorrowful sort she had turned it into at first. Hours passed and jokes were made and taunts expressed upon both ends at the expenses of two sides. Yet curfew was drawing near, and so was Michael's exhaustion; surely as a result of a day's travel plus a tea known for helping settle one's soul a good amount. So she helped him back to a stand after a once again stowing away the kettle and cups after they had been rinsed and cleaned of their mess. Though at least now the theater smelled quite delicious for whomever might frequent it next. Casting his weary and tired arm over her shoulders, she carefully helped the boy along in the practically empty hallways as Curfew was literally only moments away. A foolish mistake on her part, having never been one to always keep track of time. Certainly she might have been breaking the rules by helping him into his own dormitory, but there wasn't much else that could be done. If anything, she wasn't going to abandon him in the hallway to be caught by the faculty on the first day. Opening the door to his room and locking it behind her, Elizabeth helped Michael into his bed and drew the blankets about him to keep him warm. There however, she realized that if she departed into the halls now, there was a greater risk of being caught by the teachers as they were likely patrolling for last-minute attempts to make it back to the dorms just after curfew. It seemed that she was stuck for now. [color=f6989d][i]Well, I suppose it can be like old times...sort of.[/i][/color] With feline grace, she silently walked over to the opposite side of his bed in order not to disturb the rest of his roommate. Unbuttoning her overcoat and removing the shortened tie that was part of the school uniform, she sat upon the edge of the bed and unwound the long braid that her hair had been imprisoned into. Off came the overcoat, and onto the bedpost it was lazily hung. Untucked the white blouse beneath it became, and sidling into the bed with the Knight then, the Alchemist cautiously brought her form close with his as to not disturb him. Finding the comfort in his warmth, she snuggled tightly closer, intertwining one of her legs with his as one hand came to rest upon his chest; her temple finding the warmth of his shoulder, luxury in the slow rise and fall of his slumbering breath. Causing the upper half of his right side to be drowned in fiery red hair. [color=f6989d][i]You bumbling fool...might as well.[/i][/color] She told herself, [color=f6989d][i]You've been waiting [b]years[/b] for a [b]chance[/b].[/i][/color] As a small token, Elizabeth did something bold and daring. Thankfully something that Michael would not be able to remember, as she rose up lightly and lightly pecked his cheek with her lips. It was as sweet as honey, but for the time being she simply tugged the blankets up to her shoulder and up to his collarbone before falling into a deep slumber. If only she had remembered that she wore lipstick that day. [hr] [color=82ca9d][i]Michael's Room[/i][/color] - 5:15 AM In the earliest hours of the morning, she stirred. With such movement, he stirred and eye to eye with the Alchemist he drearily opened them to the earliest morning lights through the window. Fire glinted then, and such fire was soon discerned to be the crimson hair of his childhood friend. [u][b]In his bed snuggled up next to him.[/b][/u] Whose eyes of course opened at the same time his did. Quickly gaining a far more alert status however, as she brought up a finger to her lips with a charming, but ever devious smile. [color=f6989d]"[i]Shhhhhhh[/i]."[/color]