Dunno if I'll get any other major characters going, but this post is ready and here if I do. [hider=Stanley Von Holstein-Rathlou] Name: Stanley Von Holstein-Rathlou Side: Magi Sex: Male Age: 26 Race: Purebred Human Appearance: For most people, someone who they'd describe as "perfectly average" is the type of person they wouldn't even notice in the first place, the type of person who simply blends into a crowd, the kind you'd bump into on the sidewalk and not even bother excusing yourself. Stanley is that person. He stands at about 5 feet and 11 inches with broad shoulders, though not so broad that you'd mistake him for a farmer or a blacksmith. He has a tendency to let his hair go a bit longer than he finds comfortable before going to a barber, and as such he is normally seen with slightly shaggy light brown hair, with a fair amount hanging over his forehead. His eyes are blue, as is the wont in his part of the world, and rather unremarkable. A square jaw gives his face a solid, dependable sort of look, the kind you'd expect to see on a loving father. His body is nicely muscled, but not so much so that he looks obscene, the kind of muscle that comes from honest, hard work rather than lifting weights in a gym for hours on end. His attire tends towards the simplistic. A simple, cheap shirt and trousers tends to suffice his needs. Personality: Stanley is a good, if simple, man. He believes that in life there are only ways that a man can live, and since all the exciting ways appear to have been taken up before him, he is perfectly content with a common, unexciting life. He has strong feelings about the right to life for all creatures with a soul, though he isn't really one hundred percent sure on what exactly a soul is, he does believe that anything that is sentient has a right to life. He's straight, and has had a few girlfriends, but they were largely meaningless in the grand scheme of his life. His biggest vices would be his propensity to overindulge in drink when it's offered to him, and his extremely volatile temperament. While he would hardly qualify as an alcoholic, he most certainly has trouble stopping when he's drinking and having a merry old time. As for his temper, after getting in quite a bit of trouble earlier in life, he's learned how to manage his temper. However, when he sees something that he considers unjust or wrong being done, he has the potential to get extremely peeved. Partially due to his fear of the newly surfaced Tech faction, and partially due to how listening to the sermons, no matter how fiery they get, relaxing him,he's nominally a follower of the Church of Remus, the idea that there's something bigger than himself, or even bigger than the Crown of Germania, calms him. Faction: Lukewarm follower of the Church of Remus. Is a bit less into it's fanatical sects, but his fear of technology is there. Biography: Stanley Von Holstein-Rathlou, despite his royal last name, grew up in a perfectly mundane household in a town located in the countryside of Germania. He, like all other humans on Earth, grew up with innate magical ability. Throughout school, his fellow students all learned about the history of their world, and practical applications of magic, Stanley himself was never particularly passionate about any of that. Just the same as someone can hold no interest in cooking despite it being a necessary and common part of their life, Stanley had no interest whatsoever in magic. As such, his school years were rather... boring, the only classes he excelled at were physical education and (ironically) practical magic. After school, he struggled for a while to find a path, until eventually he moved to the largest city in Germania, Hevren, the former city of Berlin. Here he took on a job that, as it turns out, suited him perfectly. For a living, Stanley lifts heavy things at point A, moves them to point B, and gets paid. In other words, and for lack of a better term, he is a mover. His business is entirely self-run (heh), and he accepts commissions from all sorts of businesses. Over time he has managed to save up enough to buy a cart that he can pull, for larger loads. He lives in a small, but comfortable apartment overtop of a tailor shop that he does a fair amount of business with. Though he was a nominal member for most of his life, only recently has he begun regularly attending sermons at his local Church of Remus. The acknowledgement of the existence of the Tech faction by the Crown of Germania galvanized him into going regularly, and he now volunteers for their political events, as well as attending religious events. Skills: He is extremely proficient at lifting heavy things. His endurance is also something that should be spoken of, he may not be able to sprint a marathon, but he could go jogging for a long time without stopping. One of his guilty pleasures is javelin throwing, despite his dislike of the warlike origins of the sport, he is extremely good at it. Though he hasn't entered any competitions, he could easily go professional if he bothered to truly train his arm. Abilities: His Magi powers remain largely untapped and untrained. He is a Caster type Magi, and despite not being interested at all in magic, his school records seem to indicate he is naturally extremely strong. As long as the spell, or the instructions for the spell are relatively simplistic, he could likely pull off a large range of magical feats. However, his magical abilities are at the moment limited only to what he needs to use in everyday life. A simple fire spell for lighting candles, and simple mana-to-water spell for washing off, etc. He does have one ability however that he uses regularly. Lighten Load: Okay, so it's not the most creative name. This spell works in a sense of a limited telekinesis. He extends mana in a telekinetic field emmanating from his hands around the object that he's holding to augment his physical strength. This spell is largely used to simply shift an object onto his cart, but further, less innocent uses could likely be envisioned. Possessions: His possessions consist mostly of what your average single man needs to live. The only extraneous object in his possession is his cart, which he has modified to hitch to his back instead of a horse's, making it much more versatile for the urban environments of Hevren. [/hider]