Booker simply waited and stayed in the same spot so that Marumasa wouldn't have to go around and look for him. He looked around the area to see any of the people who were still there, many to most of them were leaving the area to go and do other things for the day. As far as he knew the rest of the day was just for them, no classes or anything and they could freely travel the academy as long as they made their way to the ballroom to sleep for the night. They would get their teams and rooms later on, but right now he was just waiting around for Marumasa to make his way back. He had no problem waiting for him, but Booker had assumed that everyone carried their weapon or weapons around all the time. He knew that he did. Booker looked down at his feet and his shoe based weapons. He had hand made both of them, and although they were a little heavy, it helped him since he was now able to move and walk like he never had them on in the first place. The material that they were mainly comprised of was both light and durable, so if he had used anything else, the weight would have been much more. His attention was moved away from his boots as he was once again in the presence of his new friend. He could understand why people would have walked away, but Booker was very calm, patient, and tolerant. It would take quite a lot to get him to snap, possibly like the end of the world or something. He shook his head with a soft smile. [b]"It's nothing to worry about, but shouldn't you have your weapons on you at all times?"[/b] It might not have been easier for other students to carry around their weapons, but using two weapons like he did, Booker thought that Marumasa already had them.