Kim Judd - Her bedroom - 9AM June, 12th Kim woke, unlike her compatriots, she had not drank to excess and was therefore at her full capacity. She was only a bit jetlagged, and honestly surprised at that. She rang for breakfast after a longer than normal shower. It still felt like she had more to wash off from the night before. Then she finished the obtuse novel she had introduced Lynn to the night prior, while she had other books to read with her, she was much more curious about the library downstairs. There was so much there, and such mystery surrounding the missing books. Kim found herself in the library after about eleven am. The books called to her, like sirens of the sea. The book she had been reading the day prior, before having been dragged off to the ball was where she had left it, which was on the shelf in its proper place. With a large glass of water, placed carefully on a coaster Kim curled up in the seat she had taken over the night before. There were sounds of people, but that was easy enough to shut out in place of the book. The door opened behind her after she was deep in the book, she turned to see that it was Jonas who had entered. He held a small bundle of papers and a pen. Kim wondered if he was drawing or writing. He seemed more the writing type. He looked as if he had not gotten enough sleep. Kim wondered if that was because of the excess of drink he had the night before. He is dressed casually though. “Oh, hiya Kim. This feels like deja vu.” “Jonas,” She smiled. “I guess it is a bit.” She tilted her head remembering what Lynn had said the night before. “Are you doing okay today?” She tried to sound vague, as if maybe asking about a hangover. Jonas smirked a bit and walked further into the room, toward the books they had been looking at the day before. “Better than yesterday, that’s for sure. Thanks for askin’. I guess dance parties ain’t for me. How ‘bout you? Did you have any fun last night?” Kim’s face went a little sour at the memory of the evening, but she let it disappear quickly. “I’ve had more fun, but I have also had less fun.” She shrugged a bit. “The champagne was nice, and the music was beautiful. Honestly though I’d rather be with the books.” “I hear yah. I miss home already, to be honest.” Jonas reached the shelf they’d been looking at yesterday and started looking through it. “Didjya see if that book came back? I was curious…” “I checked, it’s still missing. I’m going to go with mysterious reasons as to why it isn’t on the shelf. Those are more interesting.” Kim closed the book and joined Jonas at the shelf. “Well, I think I’m agreein’ with yah on the mystery theory, considering what happened last night.” Jonas stopped looking through the books and stepped away from the bookcases. “I think somethin’ pretty weird’s goin’ on around here.” Kim tilted her head, “What happened last night?” “Lemme ask yah first, didjya hear anything? In the middle of the night, comin’ from outside, maybe?” Jonas’ voice was more hushed now, even though the library was empty* Kim shook her head. Following Jonas’ lead. Her eyes were wide with curiosity burning bright. “What happened?” She spoke just loud enough for Jonas to hear her. “Well, me an’ Tom, we were up on the balcony, the one we share. And we’re talkin’ and all of a sudden we see someone sneaking around outside, heading away from the manor and towards the lake. Then we heard ‘em jump in. So, we head down there to check it out, but uh, I wasn’t exactly all there.” Jonas shook his head. “Anyhoo, we get to the lake and there’s nothin’ there, but then we heard this...noise.” He shivered a bit at the thought of it. “I thought howlin’ wolves made me shake in my boots, but this...this was different. It wasn’t like anything I’ve ever heard before. We ran back and saw some tracks goin’ from the cellar to the lake, but we couldn’t open it.” Jonas shrugged a bit, almost apologizing for the incredibility of the story. “And that’s pretty much it. I didn’t hear anything else the rest of the night.” Kim stared at Jonas, not sure if she should believe him or not. A part of her wanted this to be some wild fancy story that she had ended up in. Werewolves in Bavaria. She hid the smirk at the idea not wanting Jonas to think she thought him crazy. “That’s wild.” She said finally coming up with something that was true. Maybe it was a dead body that had been thrown into the lake. She shivered at that thought. She did not really want to be caught up in a [i]Scandal in Bavaria[/i]. Legal ramifications would not something she wanted to have to deal with. Imagine trying to explain to the consulate why she was here, and how she had gotten in the middle of some Summer solstice sacrifice... that had a nice ring to it. Kim froze and looked back to Jonas. “Well hopefully that’s just where they throw out the bad wine.” He chuckled heartily, then sit in one of the chairs. “Those poor, drunk fish.” Set his papers and pen down, but then looked back over to Kim, curiosity creeping into his features. “What do you think they got in store for these ten days? Just parties and dinners? Seems like a lot of planning for nothin’.” Kim frowned, glanced over at the books, and then took a see across from Jonas. “Well honestly I don’t know what they have planned for us. It seems silly to bring a bunch of Am- Foreigners rather, and drop them in the middle of some rich parties. Most of us don’t fit in with this type of crowd. So why us? All of us are about as different as you can get right?” Jonas shook his head, not finding an answer* “Right, not a clue. I feel like it was kinda random. But if it’s so random, why waste all the money on strangers? I just don’t get it. Plus, even with all the fanciness and parties an’ all, I don’t exactly feel all that welcome.” “I can’t say that I do all that much either,” Kim looked at the empty spot on the shelf. “And they are keeping secrets from us. None of speak much German. They talk about stuff right in front of us and we have no idea what they are saying.” Kim’s ears started heating up, and she leaned her head forward, letting loose bits of hair fall over them to cover the red. Lynn was one thing to see her blush, but Jonas was a guy, she didn’t want to be embarrassed in front of him over something as dumb as Klein. Jonas’ eyes widened a bit. “They did that to you, too? Geez, I thought it was just me.” He sat back in his chair a little, eyes on the floor. “I don’t like Sol. At all. And I’m pretty sure Lena hates me, but I got no idea why. She was givin’ me the stink eye half the night, like I was the only drunk person there.” He raised his eyes again, looking a little unhappy as he talked about them. “I don’t about the Wolf’s, but I didn’t earn any brownie points with Aust that’s for sure.” Kim’s voice held a bite of bitterness to it. Something she had come used to with the name Zach, but had never had for anyone else. “I haven’t really interacted with any of the Wolfs to be honest.” “Well, I wouldn’t recommend it, that’s for darn sure. I’m steerin’ clear of those two as much as I can while I’m here. I guess I might as well add Aust to that list while I’m at it.” “There’s something odd about the way he talks.” Kim paused and glanced around the room, just for good measure. “You know anything about Fey? The Seelie and Unseelie?” Jonas quirked up an eyebrow. “The who now?” “Fairies?” Kim explained “Can’t say that I do.” Jonas leaned forward a bit, seeming both interested and apprehensive of where this is going. Kim looks a bit deflated for a moment. “All right. Fairies can’t lie, and they can’t break promises and a few other odd rules. The one I’m thinking of right now is the can’t lie thing. Last night when Aust was talking to... Someone in front of me in German. I questioned him afterward about what he said. I asked specifically. ‘What did you say to him so he wouldn’t even look at me?’” The heat from her ears spread. “And he responded ‘I didn’t mention your name, Ms Judd.’ That wasn’t a lie, at all, but very specifically worded. Aust told that guy something and it sent him off quick, and he didn’t say my name. That I can attest, even in a foreign language I’d be able to pick out my name. I think Aust told him something, a key phrase, that meant something to him, or probably anyone who heard it, to do something. Or maybe not do something. I don’t know what. I’m not saying Aust or any of them are Fey, that’s a bit far fetched even for me, but there is something odd going on.” Jonas seemed to follow her with some interest, despite the oddness of it. Well two can play the crazy game. “That is some odd wording. And he left, just like that? Not even a bye or anything? Geez, this whole thing’s gettin’ weirder and weirder by the second.” Kim nodded. “I haven’t a clue what to do about it. Except walk to the nearest town and catch a cab to the airport and then get on the next flight back to California. That seems a might infeasible though.” “Well, I might have something...but…” Jonas looks reluctant, but he really wants to say something. “But what?” Kim had by this point moved to the edge of her seat quite literally. He looked Kim over, trying to decide whether he should tell her or keep it to himself. Apparently landing on a decision, he pulled what appeared to be a key out of his pocket. “Lena gave me the keys to the lounge and I lifted this one off the ring. Call me a little vindictive, I guess. The problem is, I got no idea what it goes to.” Kim’s eyes went wide, her jaw dropping, she reached out for the key. Curious about it. “That’s...Evil, and brilliant. God knows when they’d even notice. I mean it may be for the cabinet with their dear departed Grandfather’s ashes in it for all we know.” Jonas handed it to her. “I’m not sure, and it probably don’t help that there was, like, twenty other keys on the darn ring.” Kim looked at the key for a moment before handing it back. “Only one way to find out. Start using it on locks until it opens one.” She got a mischievous look in her eye. “We might need at least Lynn’s help for this.” Jonas looked at the key again before shoving it back into his pocket. “Sure would be good luck if it were for the cellar door, but my luck ain’t been so great lately. So, did anything else happen at that ball last night? Anything important, anyhow?” Kim shook her head. “Not that I noticed. Just that stupid phone bowl. Lynn didn’t say anything either. Just that she had run into you and to avoid the Wolfs.” Kim shrugged. “We could try cabinets. Maybe a liquor one, but distracting Felix would probably be impossible.” Kim looked at the door as if expecting Felix to walk in summoned by his name. Jonas nodded at her last statement. “It’d be really difficult to get that fella away from his work. Seems like we’d have to wait for an opening, or make one ourselves.” The door clicked open and Kim’s eyes went wide. She turned around to see who had entered. Her cheeks got hot when she realized it was Felix. He didn’t say anything about it instead he asked the pair of them what they would like for Lunch, and how they would like to receive it. “Uh, I’ll eat in the dining room, and I guess whatever is popular.” She shrugged, unsure and then looked to Jonas so he could respond. “Dining room for me, too. And I’ll take whatever kinda stew you got.” Jonas looked at Kim worriedly, looking a bit freaked out that Felix came in when he did. Felix nodded and left them alone. It was after almost a minute of silence that Kim laughed and sighed relieved. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they were fey creatures.” She shook her head and then returned to their previous topic. “Hence why I think we need at least one more person helping us.” Kim leaned back a bit. “I don’t know any of the others well enough. Could barely put faces with names. You said you and Tom though had gone out last night to the lake. He’s probably reliable. I don’t want to think there’s a spy amongst us six.” Kim shook her head. “I’m getting ahead of myself. I’m sure the Wolfs aren’t actually planning to ritually sacrifice us, as much as Summer Solstice Sacrifice has a nice ring to it. As such I doubt there’s anything too sinister afoot.” Jonas relaxed a little. “Y’know, if it weren’t for the whole briefcase thing, I would have felt a bit more at home when we got here. I think our hosts need to learn how to send out normal invitations. Little pop up cards, maybe, or those expensive talkin’ ones.” Kim smiled. “That briefcase was freaky. Why in the world did I think this trip was a good idea? Mom would kill me if she found out. I didn’t tell anyone I was coming here. Not even my best friend. If we do get sacrificed to some god of the sun, no one will even know.” Jonas shook his head. “Geez, I didn’t really tell anyone either. I guess I was just too curious. Actually,” Jonas held up his handful of papers, which Kim can probably see has a good deal of writing on it “I was in the middle of tellin’ my sister back home in ‘sota.” “If this is some crazy thing we’re in the middle of, how are you going to mail it without the Wolfs finding out?” Kim asked, she politely didn’t read anything the letter said. “I think that’s part of what terrifies me about there being no cell service. Lynn said she didn’t have any either. So that’s three of us without service. I specifically got out of country for the time we’d be here. There’d be no way we’d all have the same provider.” Kim shook her head. “I think we’re working ourselves up, but we should find out, if we can, what’s in the lake.” Jonas shifted in his seat a little, though whether it’s from nervousness or excitement it’s hard to tell. “Well, earlier I saw a boathouse near the lake...I guess we could sneak out at night and hide there. As for my letter…” He looked at his papers again somberly. “I have to take the risk. She asked me to.” “I’ll see if I can help you get the letter out. Maybe write a fake letter to my mom.” Kim shrugs. “That’s an idea. I vote we do it. I do have my swimsuit too, so if I need to take a dive into the lake I don’t have to do it in my birthday suit.” “Good thing I brought mine too, then. Though I don’t much like the idea of swimmin’ around in lake.” Jonas laughed nervously at the thought of it. “I don’t even know what the return address would be for this letter anyhow. But I’ll figure something out, even if I gotta use a carrier pigeon.” Kim laughed, “If they even have that here, you might need smoke signals.” Kim’s stomach growled. “You know I think it is close to time for lunch.” She glanced at her watch it was almost noon. “Are you hungry?” Jonas stood up, taking his letter in progress off the table. “I think I can tolerate some food. Wonder if they got any good stew...without people parts, I mean.” He winked at her. Kim laughed again. “Yeah, that’s not something I want to taste test.” She shook her head, stood, and started out of the library. Jonas exited the library with Kim, his stomach growling as well. “Well, heck. I guess I’m hungrier than I thought. Now they’d better have good stew.” “Goulash.” Kim said the German word with a hint of remembered pleasure. “Hopefully not rabbit though.” She frowned. “There is this German restaurant down near Disneyland, it is amazing. Some college friends introduced me one year, convinced me to have the goulash and it was rabbit. I got sad, and only ate about three bites of it.” When they reached the doors to the dining room, Jonas held one of them open for Kim, letting her pass through first before saying. “Aw, geez. Couldn’t eat the bunnies, huh? Can’t say’s I blame yah. Well, if their stew is anywhere near as good as my grandma’s lapskaus, then I’ll be happy.” “I don’t know what it is about rabbit. I can eat anything else. Except monkey brains, well brains in general. That’s just a bad idea.” She shrugs. “What is Lapskaus?” “Oh, the word just means ‘stew’ in Norwegian, and that’s pretty much what it is. Every family’s got their own recipe, though, and my grandma’s was the best. She tried to teach me the language, but I never really could get the hang of it.” Jonas smiled a bit at the memories, reminiscing fondly. “Ah I grew up around Portuguese primarily, but I only know English and some ASL.” Kim explained. She sat down at the table where the food Felix had laid out for them. Jonas sat down as well, across from Kim and looked pleasantly surprised. “No kiddin’? You know ASL too? I learned it for my sister.” Kim smiled brightly. “Oh! I know it because my best friend’s daughter is deaf. She’s a doll. Only seven though, so my sign isn’t that great.” “Still, good on yah. Heck, my mom never even bothered.” Kim frowned at that. It hurt her when she heard of parents who didn’t care to learn, and was thankful that Esther had taken a class when she first found out. “Hang on a sec. D’you think that’ll come in handy? Y’know, just in case we don’t want those Wolfs knowin’ what we’re sayin’?” Kim grinned. “That’s brilliant. You’ll have to slow for me though. Shoot I tell a seven year old to slow down. I’m best at fingerspelling. I doubt any of the others know ASL though. Lynn for sure not. She’s not American.” “Well, that’s lucky for us, then. Might come in handy.” Jonas started eating the stew, and made a ‘It’s pretty good!’ face, like he’d been expecting it to taste bad for some reason. Kim nods and eats her own food in silence for a bit thinking. “So you’re from Minnesota?” She finally asks. “Oh, yah. Minnesota. You betcha.” Jonas exaggerated his own accent for a moment, fully acknowledging that he somewhat fit the stereotype. Kim laughed. “Oh man. Did you step out of [i]Fargo[/i]? Well I’m no stereotype myself. I’m too much of a mash of things. Went to a school in the middle of nowhere that had never heard of any sort of decent music. Went to college not far from home, but spent so much time just doing weird things that at this point I am just Kim the Librarian.” She gets a bit of a wistful smile on her face. “Sadly not The Librarian though.” Jonas leaned back after inhaling half of his food and put his hands together. “My school was kinda crap, too, but I did get to play some football. Not a lot though, ‘cause I didn’t stay on the team for too long. I dunno how I ended up at my job, I just...did. I still spend lotsa time outside, though. Fishin’, campin’, and plenty of skiin’...standard with bein’ a guy straight outta the movies.” He added that last part with a wink. Lots of winkers in this group of people. Kim snorted. “I don’t go outside much, but I love hiking in Yosemite when I get a chance. Otherwise I tend to be cooped up inside with the books. I should get some fresh air this trip though.” Kim looked out a window at the beautiful scenery. “If I had a balcony I’d read on it.” Jonas looked up from his food, which he had gone back to devouring. “You don’t gotta balcony? That’s a darn shame. I’d offer mine, but it’s Tom’s too.” “Thank you. That’d be kind of weird though. I don’t think I’ve shared a whole sentence with Tom.” Kim finished off the last of her lunch, stood and stretched. “On the note of books. I think I’ll go back to the Library. I’m almost done with that book I was reading. Are you going to join me back there for plotting? Or shall we plot more later?” “I guess later, then. I’ll probably finish up my letter and...I dunno, head outside again I guess. I’ll seeya later, then, Kim.” Jonas and her parted ways. Kim returning to the library.