Being the impulsive man he was, Lord Elden did not take long before sending his children and men out across Dorne and the Stormlands to gather more information. He did not take long to decide that he actually [i]liked[/i] that Joffrey Baratheon was a Lannister bastard. Like his children, he saw King Robert Baratheon's death for what it was - an opportunity for change across all of the Seven Kingdoms. A change that, if they played their cards in the right manner, would be in their favour. The Red Mountains, where the Santon family resided, was surrounded by either Dornishmen, officially alleging with the bastard king Joffrey, or supporters of house Baratheon from the Stormlands or The Reach. As the news spread that most men of The Reach would side with the popular Renly Baratheon, both Eira and Harden were sent to investigate the armies and supporters that the young Baratheon had managed to amass. Lord Elden had sent his two children alone, without neither armies nor men to support them. Not only because of Lord Elden’s lack of impressive Santon armies, but also because the two siblings would be fast enough to reach the lands of the Tyrells to see what armies they had gathered in order to return to the Stormlands in time to meet Lord Renly before his armies reached him. "Brother, tell me", Eira shouted as they pressed on across the Stormlands into the Reach on their swift, Dornish horses. "Do you think father would like to side with the young Lord Renly?" "I think he would side with anyone should the Lord give us what our father wants", Harden replied sourly. They had travelled without many necessary breaks for a very long while, and Harden's weariness started to show. In reality, Harden believed that his father would only manage side with whichever King he chose for a short while, before the King would lose House Stanton's sworn allegiance and favour. "Come on, press on. The sooner we're there, the better." "Listen!", Eira exclaimed. Harden halted suddenly, and stared intensively at his sister stopping by his side. Focusing on the sounds he could hear in the distance, he furrowed his brows. Eira shielded her eyes against the gazing sun, and looked towards the lands from which the sounds seemed to come from. The occasional shouting, a loud cheer and rhythmic stomping resonated throughout the humid thickness of the late summer air. "It sounds like... an army. Are we this near Highgarden already?" "We should be in The Reach, yes", Harden answered thoughtfully. "But not that near Highgarden, not yet. If the Tyrells did not decide to march this way, it must be someone else's forces." Deciding to investigate from where the sounds came, the two Santon siblings urged their horses forward. After a few minutes, they saw the mass of a smaller sized army approaching in the distance, and beyond, a castle flying banners of a golden peacock resting on a field of teal. "Carsley Keep", Harden said quietly to himself as the two slowly rode forward. "Seat of the House Tilden.” He did not know much about the house, despite their banners and supposed alliance with the Tyrells, an alliance which they clearly seemed to honour. That was, if they were indeed marching to support Renly Baratheon.