[center][b]A collaboration between Shadowcatcher and Expllo [color=darkgray]The Princess who is as tough as nails[/color] and [color=crimson]her promiscuous Knight in shining armor[/color][/b][/center] [u][b][color=Darkgray]Blake[/color] & [color=crimson]Cole[/color][/b][/u] The sun had just started to peek in through her window before Blake began to stir from her sleep. The past couple of days had been long ones that dragged out into the next, so much so that if her room didn't have a calender in it, she really would have lost track of how many had passed. Ignoring her body's plea for her to stay in bed, Blake pushed herself up and onto her feet, wobbling slightly before a monster yawn escaped followed by the popping of bones as she stretched. As she lazily made her way around her cabin and got herself ready for the day. After dressing and such, she patted her cheeks hard, bringing some much needed color to her face as she attempted to fully wake herself up. No one was allowed to see her as sleepy as she felt. They would see it as a weakness, and Blake was far too confident to admit that as one. As soon as she left the cabin, she jogged her way towards the entrance to the camp. It was there, standing at attention, she would greet all the campers who were coming in for summer break, new and returning. She would smile and wave to those she was not too familiar with. To those she knew better, she would greet by name and grasp their arms in her usual form of a handshake. It mattered not what cabin they resided in, nor if they returned the greeting at all. She would be seen by all of them and welcome them back to the camp. For nearly a week now, they had been coming in at all times of the day and night, but in all honesty, it was only one particular person Blake really was waiting for during the day. She wanted him to be the first one he saw when he arrived. She wanted to run into his arms as soon as she spotted that messy off-black hair of his, and so she waited. Day and night for as long as she could stand up straight. As Blake finished her thoughts she would feel arms wrap around her from behind, then would feel a peck to her left cheek. Her first instinct was to lash out in anger, but her second thought along with the familiar smell of roses reminded her there was only one person in the whole camp who would dare even come close to her, let alone make contact. [color=crimson]"Good morning, my little demi-goddess,"[/color] the familiar voice spoke. Without giving her much of a chance to react, Cole spun her around, and with a smile he let his eyes gaze over her face. [color=crimson]"Oh how Aphrodite yearns for your beauty,"[/color] he spoke softly before gently pressing his lips against hers, holding her tightly. Blake's eyes widened as she was spun around rather easily and finally looking back into the eyes of her lover. Before she got a chance to finish her good morning greeting, his lips had found hers and a few moments later, she was crushed against him in a tight hug. Saying nothing for a long moment, she just let Cole hold her. After some time her hands pressed against his chest and she pushed him away gently. Though she was happy to see him, there was a pout on her face. [color=darkgray]"How in the world did you manage to escape my detection? I was searching for you and I didn't see you approach, and yet you managed to get behind me. Tell me how you pulled such a trick."[/color] she demanded. A sad expression placed on Cole's face after he was pushed away. It was obviously fake. Though he did want to stay in that position, it had been three months since he'd been able to do that after all. He gave a small laugh after she spoke. He found it cute when she demanded stuff from him, mostly because he was probably the only one who could get away with not telling her anything...some of the time, at least. [color=crimson]"Maybe I'm just better than you now,"[/color] Cole teased before a finger raised to poke her forehead. [color=crimson]"Either that or I waited in the bushes for you."[/color] Scoffing and crossing her arms, Blake turned her head away from him. [color=darkgray]"Your first assumption is quite unlikely, seeing as in the time you've been away, you have clearly gotten soft."[/color] she said moving one arm and poking his belly. She was, of course, teasing him, as his abs were as toned as ever. Hell, by the way he'd held her, she figured the rest of him was also considering it felt like she was hugging a rock dressed in clothes. The thought brought a blush to her face and she cleared her throat. [color=darkgray]"Fret not though my love, after a few days with me, you'll be right back into shape."[/color] Shifting her weight onto one leg and leaning as a camper passed the two, she looked around for the bushes he had spoken of. Sure enough there was a well groomed bundle of them right behind her. She smiled and her blush deepened. He had wanted to surprise her just like she wanted to for him. [color=crimson]"A few days? Now that's what I call a welcome back gift. You're more than I deserve, love,"[/color] he spoke with a grin. His attention never left her, even as the camper passed the two. They didn't matter. Only thing that mattered at the moment was Blake. [color=crimson]"But before that, fill me in. Gone three months, ma' has been gettin' better, and that's pretty much it for me. What about you? What's been happening here?"[/color] Reaching out and slipping her hand into his, she turned and pulled him along with her. [color=darkgray]"Walk with me."[/color] she said before continuing to pull him. As they walked, her fingers laced with his and she almost wanted one of the teachers to see the two and complain about PDA so she could yell at them. [color=darkgray]"The days grew longer and the nights colder while we were seperated."[/color] she said quietly. [color=darkgray]"Things grow uneasy here among the campers. Many returned with rumors or stories that the Gods fight and are divided. They turned out to be true and I fear soon even it may influence distress here in the camp. I hope things don't come to that, but now things seem to be in a slow decline. I cant begin to imagine what will happen once everyone arrives and start to but heads."[/color] Cole listened as they walked. Gods going at it again? What else was new? He looked down at Blake, an eyebrow raised. [color=crimson]"And what exactly are the gods fighting about this time? Is it really that serious that you think it'll influence people here?"[/color] With her free hand, Blake combed through the long strands of her dark brown hair. [color=darkgray]"More than half of the Gods believe Zeus is no longer a fit to rule Olympus. I think it is a silly effort to try and change things that have worked for hundreds of years. Regardless who leads, there will always be things such as pain and suffering and danger in the world. A leader, no matter how great, cannot change that."[/color] She paused and shook her head. [color=darkgray]"Of course those of us who are close to our God parents will have no problem siding with them. Even those who hate them will likely move to the opposing side just to spite them. Some may stay neutral but still... I am worried things may get out of hand if the Gods continue to fight over petty things such as this. Imagine a war between the God's and their children. Sounds like a work for the history books."[/color] Cole sighed. [color=crimson]"Alright, I see your point. Things can get pretty ugly if they continue being this petty. And they see themselves above humans."[/color] Cole scoffed before stopping and placing his hands on the side of Blake to stop her. Once she turned towards him he would begin speaking. [color=crimson]"But how about we don't become apart of those history books,"[/color] Cole spoke softly, [color=crimson]"Let the gods fight it out between themselves, and if people in this camp get involved in petty fights then so be it, but...me and you...we can just...leave. Just go, right now. We don't have to get involved in any of it if it even goes that far."[/color] When Cole finished speaking, Blake's heart felt heavy. She loved him even more for wanting to leave with her, and sad because she knew there was no way she could stay out of it. She bit her lip as she searched for the words, her hands crossed at her chest and her eyes on the ground. At one point she looked at him and opened her mouth to speak but just side and ran both of her hands in her hair. [color=darkgray]"This cycle is dangerous. Every time a group of people decide to rise against a ruler, they start a war and people are killed. Then a new one will step in to lead for a time and then what? After some time their followers will think that they too should be overthrown and a new war starts. Over and over as if perfection can be found in one being. In the end things don't get fixed by just switching out the one who claims the title of a leader. If things get ugly down here for us, I can't just run away. No matter how much I want to avoid pointless fighting, I was born with the talents to fight... and win under any circumstance. With so few followers, Zeus will need someone like me to at least try and keep things the way they are, though I know he and the other Gods on his side wont ever admit to it. "[/color] Reaching up to stroke Cole's cheek, she smiled at him. [color=darkgray]"I wish for a day when we can live together in peace and I want to be a part of whatever struggle there is to maintain that peace. Do you understand?"[/color] her eyes searched his, hoping he understood somehow what she was trying to say. Cole returned the smile, although his face expressed concern. [color=crimson]"I guess there's no convincing you, huh? You were always stubborn, I guess that hadn't gone away these past three months."[/color] He let out a small chuckle. His hands grabbed hers, fingers entwined. [color=crimson]"I understand what you're saying. It's just that...I don't want you in any danger, even though I think you're the strongest and by far scariest one in this camp, I know you can handle yourself. But it's my job to worry. You, my mother, Chubbs...really the only three things I care about. I need you all safe. So if you're doing this, on the chance that it does go that far...then I'm with you. Only to make sure you're safe though, alright?"[/color] Blake's eyes practically sparkled at his words, and in response, she gave a small nod. Slowly she would wiggle her hand free of his before moving it to the collar of his shirt. She fisted the thin cloth in her hand and pulled him down towards her while standing on her toes. Closing her eyes, she waited for their lips to touch. [color=crimson]"Oh-"[/color]Were the only words able to escape Cole's mouth as he was grabbed by the collar and pulled down into a kiss. He couldn't keep the smile off his face as she did so though, despite the small shock. Words couldn't describe his love for her. When she was satisfied after what felt like a long moment, she lowered her heels back to the ground. She kept her grip firm on his shirt as her eyes met his again and her cheeks turned red. [color=darkgray]"So. Will it be my cabin or yours?"[/color] she whispered.