Kazuma chuckled lightly in response of the attention he was getting. He still wasn't positive this wasn't his ship, but he decided to make the most of it either way. They seemed to be well fared sea dogs, at least, so what could possible go wrong in setting sail with them. Besides, none of them seemed to know who he is, so he would not be looked down upon as a second class citizen among them. He was beginning to feel like a regular man again. Shaking his thoughts aside, Kazuma faced Abigail to respond bluntly "I will be sober shortly unfortunately. Just need a coffee is all." He gave a half-hearted salute that seemed somehow sarcastic, before moving past the crimson woman to the chef who had offered him something divine. He snatched it from her and shoveled it into his mouth in mere seconds, before letting out a loud satisfied groan. "That food was amazing!" He exclaimed as he placed the dishes aside and took Simona's hand in his. He looked her in the eyes and responded to her introduction with one of his own. "I am Kazuma, The wolf of the west blue, Gintsuki. I am honoured to make your acquaintance, Simona." With that he kissed the back of her hand, and simply wandered off. He had to familiarize himself with everything if he was expected to navigate for this ship in only a couple of hours.