[quote=@Xenonia] [hider=Officer Shark] Name: Officer Franklin Shark Age: 23 Personality: Frank Shark is not a calm person. He is prone to bursts of rage, as is to be expected of any shark-related super. However, he does have a rather good handle on this, keeping his rage focused on his work (enforcing the law) and is going to anger management classes twice a week. Frank is also a bit... Slow, in regards to the educational aspect, and therefore a little bit gullible. Many a new recruit to the force has been 'hazed' by being told to mess with Shark in some way. He doesn't get it, which is probably better for everybody. X-Gene Mutation: Enhanced Strength, Shark Physiology, Scent Tracking Photo: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/71/8e/d1/718ed165acaf825b25de79f4b212f401.jpg[/img] Like above, but wearing a police officer uniform. Occupation: Mutant Enforcement Officer Other/Bio: Franklin Shark was born the way he is now, looking like a half man, half shark creature. His parents thought it to be a cruel joke, as Shark was in fact their last name: Jonathan and Andrea Shark. Franklin had a very comfortable childhood, as his father was the co-founder of the Poole-Shark Chalk Supply Company, and therefore was able to afford accommodations for his son's... Special needs. When Franklin was discovered by the authorities, during an investigation into his dad's illegal loan racket, he was offered a choice: Be set free in the ocean or start going to a normal human school like a normal human student. As Frank was not aware that his shark-form was abnormal at the time, he chose the school option. He graduated near (though not at) the top of his class from his high school and immediately enrolled in the police academy. He wanted to bring the hammer(head)s of justice to the sea of crime that washed over the USA. [/hider] [/quote] I have a question. Your sheet seems to have a contradiction. At first you say that he's not the brightest in the educational department but towards the end you say that he graduated near the top of his class. So is he slow with a brutish one track mindset or is he highly intelligent or was there four people in his class and he was the third smartest?