Unlike Enasi, Rue begins panicking quite badly. On the inside at least. His wings twitch in agitation, wanting desperately to start up and take off to look for himself for the Nightmare Guardian. He can't be gone, he just can't. That's not possible right? He would never leave here, leave Lord Enasi to suffer through his wound alone. Without even saying goodbye? No, it's just not possible. . .With that being said, he knows it must be true, even if ever fiber of his being knows it simply can not be. His wings twitch, humming to life every so often but stilling swiftly after. As badly as he wants to leave. . .He can't. He made a promise. . . . ~*~*~*~*~ Inui walks slowly back towards the Dream Guardian's room, his feet dragging a little as he feels a faintly nice feeling drifting through the halls towards him. He knows that it means someone is upset, but since both guardians are here, not to mention all of his new friends, he feels it's okay to not feel bad about absorbing a little more. He'll ask Master Seishu to take it off of him later if it becomes too much. [i]'I mean, I already got some from that doctor. . .I still wish I knew why she. . Anyways, I got some from her, and I feel a little better after it. I'm. . . I'm a nightmare minion, it's. . . It's okay for me to enjoy other people's bad feelings'[/i] Taking a deep breath he nods to himself, taking his time, and wondering who all these sad people are, or if it's just one really sad person. ~*~*~*~*~ Harper can feel waves of pride flowing through him as his lord resists the urge to freak out and act rashly. He worries a little when Enasi moves, but relaxes when asked something he can answer with certainty. Standing at attention he nods. “I saw him off exactly one hour and forty-eight minutes ago. I saw him last heading off in the general direction of the west hall from here.” Then he adds, “His pace was slow but steady so I think his wounds weren't bothering him too much, and he seemed in relatively high spirits.” His eyes fall slightly, ears drooping. “I shouldn't have let him go. . . .It's the whole reason we set up so many guards for him, and I failed him. . .And you my lord. . .” From across the Crios too drops his head. He knows he couldn't have really done anything, but he can't help feeling responsible for his patients, even if there was nothing he could do. A part of him wants to curse that damnable Night but at the same time he knows that sometime people just need to breath. The little fairy hardly hears any of this, his promise to Seishu the only thing keeping him from racing off, and he feels that if he shifts his focus, he will break it. Rasha shifts slowly to the end of the bed where the little guy is sitting clenching the comforter in his small fists. His own panic is in full swing but seeing the little guy sitting there alone convinces him that he can't let it out. It's not what Seishu would do, or his little carbon copy, Kaila. Yeah, Kaila, he's a good man. He knows how to act in a crisis. He can help by being at least half as good as his idol and the man who's already mastered Seishu way of dealing with problems. Gently he wraps his arms around Rue's back, stilling his wings, and pulling him in close to try and help him relax.