"I'm so not going to chicken out. You're the one who always does." Josh rolled his eyes at Dylan. Josh handed over his own slip and joined his brother. "Eh I could have done better." He shrugged a bit. "Probably a B." As much as he disliked math, he was relatively good at it, just not any good at taking tests. "You know how I am with tests. I freeze up." Josh scooted down in the seat and braced his knees against the seat in front of them. "Today just feels weird. Surreal." He picked at a hole in the seat in front of him stretching the worn fabric. The bus filled up shortly and took off. The classmates chattered about nonsensical things. A group got a game of cards going, that got messed up every time the bus stopped too fast. Josh opened a book to read, but stared at the same page for several minutes, not actually reading the story.