[center] [b]Appearance[/b] [hider="Appearance"][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/018/9/f/art_trade_youkai_by_promisemaker-d5ry21e.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name[/b] Alan Lynch [h3]Basics[/h3] [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species/Race:[/b] Drakkin [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Height:[/b] 6'1" / 1.85 m [b]Weight:[/b] 192 lb. / 87 kg [b]Hair Color:[/b] White [b]Eye Color:[/b] Light Blue [b]Skin Color:[/b] Fair [b]Figure:[/b] Well Built [b]Job:[/b] Military Personnel [h3]Powers[/h3] [i]Fire Manipulation[/i] - This should be an obvious one. Being a dragon allows him to manipulate fire that only comes out of his own body. He cannot control any fire source that wasn't started by him. He can however 'eat' this outside fire source to replenish his own strength, but he cannot eat his own fire. The best way to distinguish normal flames from his own is by the color. Alan's flames are pitch black and they burn hotter than most flames do, in fact it is able to burn other flames and it spreads like a wildfire. They also cannot be put out as easily as regular fires, they require a tremendous amount of effort just to extinguish a small flame. Only Alan himself can instantly dispel the flames at any given moment. [i]Scale Manipulation[/i] - A black dragon's scales makes him highly resistant, but not immune to intense heat and fire. They cover most of his body with the exception of his joints, which have minimal or no scales at all. These rough scales allow Alan to use his own body as a weapon while at the same time increasing his durability. By focusing the growth of scales on a specific part of his body, he will be able to form various blunt spikes on his body. With this technique, he will be able to use his own arm as a viable club or use his own head as a battering ram against his opponent. Because his scales are highly resistant to flames, including his own, he will be able to set himself on fire. That is until his scales reach a certain threshold before it starts affecting him. [i]Shape-shifting[/i] - Alan has the ability to shape-shift himself into a real life dragon. And yes, he does have a hybrid version of it, but it is not as powerful as his full body transformation. In his hybrid form, he is able to sprout black dragon wings from his back which gives him the ability to fly and a tail as long as his body that he can use as a whip. Finally, he will grow sharp claws on both his hands and feet. There are two ways for Alan to reach his full transformation. The first method is instant transformation, where he will attempt to transform on the spot. There is a delay of thirty seconds before he reaches his full size, during this time Alan is able to move around freely as he transforms and defend himself. Unlike the second method, his injuries will not be healed nor will he receive an adrenaline boost. So whatever damages he receives during or before the transformation, will remain. The second method is a delayed transformation, this one will leave Alan in a stationary position inside a cocoon of his flames to protect him from any incoming attacks. This method requires intense concentration and will take up to five minutes to complete. During this time, he will be put into a hibernated state and he will slowly grow into his full dragon form. Once the time limit is up, the cocoon will burst and Alan will be released from his hibernated state and receive an adrenaline boost that enhances his power. Not only that, but he will also be healed from life threatening injuries that he received on his physical body. What ever method he chooses it gives enough time for his opponent to cower in fear or attempt to stop his transformation. In his full form his flames cover a much wider area and has a stronger force behind it. His large wings would be able to blow away those who are not physically fit to withstand such wind power. Not to mention the muscle mass in his body will increase drastically, making him highly resistant to physical damage. The huge drawback while in this form is his massive size, which makes him a much bigger target and easier to see. And his belly...his poor belly...barely has any scales or muscle protecting him from attacks who manages to get underneath him. [h3]Weaknesses[/h3] [i]Dragon's Greed[/i] - Prone to 'Dragon's Greed', a common problem among dragons which can be resolved by...err...doing things...that a normal dragon would not do...sharing...or even countering it with positive energy, but even that will be the same result. Alan is not the kind of person who would do those sort of things easily because of his stubbornness. Dragon's Greed will make Alan easily prone to aggression and develop a competitive attitude for dominance. It will also make him have a habit of collecting objects or even people as his prized possessions. Which will also force him defend those said possessions, the normal Alan does not give a crap about unnecessary things! It leaves him at a disadvantage if the the situation is right. [I]Joints & Belly[/i] - His scales are thinner on his belly (or the front side of his upper body while in human form) and basically where his joints are (knees, under the arm pits, elbows, ankles, ect...). [i]Fight Fire with Fire[/i] – His near-inextinguishable flames can still be manipulated with (such as pushing it away with wind, pull it in, ect...). Also dragons with greater strength are able to extinguish his fire quite easily. [i]Resistant, but not Immune[/i] – His scales allows him to tolerate intense heat and flames for quite some time before it eventually burns through him. That is why the strongest dragon rules them all. [i]Delayed Transformation[/i] – It does not matter what method of transformation he uses, time will always be his enemy. [i]Stubbornness & Dragon Pride[/i] – Alan is too stubborn to let something go so easily and he holds grudges for a long time. He never forgives and he never forgets. [h3]Personality[/h3] Alan is stubborn, greedy, egoistic, narcissistic, manipulative, discriminate...he has adopted all the traits of the dragon before him. He believes that he is the perfect dragon who can rule the entire nation with an iron fist when the time is right. Everyone else he sees is inferior to him. The only exception to this is his own kind, he gives dragons more credit than they actually deserve. He immediately shuts up when a superior dragon shows up that he knows he cannot challenge to a duel. It kills him inside to show such humility to another. He may be a bit discriminate towards other races, but this does not mean he is ignorant on what they are capable of. Alan will still be able to keep his composure and avoid going in blindly on people he has no intel on, unless he is extremely confident that he could beat them just by judging on their appearance. People will rarely see him make small talk to others, but when he does, it usually means he is up to no good. He tends to keep to himself most of the time and not waste air on those who are not deemed worthy. His intimidating eyes discourages people from approaching him, however when they do...they can feel the darkness within his spirit to make them feel a frightening shiver go down their spine. Not necessarily the one who helps others unless there is something to gain that only benefits him. The effects of Dragon's Greed will have a strong impact on his personality, honestly there is no telling what it can make him do. He could be forced to show a little compassion to counter its effects or it could make him more ruthless than before. A fun way to tell if Alan is annoyed is to check one of the following signs: 1. Smoke 2. Heat 3. Fire If all three are happening at once then you have succeeded in annoying a dragon, now panic. [h3]Background[/h3] After his failed attempt to prove he is the best at Athalia Academy, Alan returned to his homeland right after he got suspended from school. His failure disappointed his father and his clan. Failure was just something he had never experienced before, it made him angry. He took his anger out on the other dragons, who initially heard about his return and mocked him for getting getting his ass handed to him by a certain demon. Needless to say, he put those inferior dragons in their place. This started his dragon fight club which did not last long when a certain dragon made his appearance to ruin Alan's fun. A friend of his father's showed up to teach Alan a lesson in humility, by defeating him in his own fight club in front of every dragon he knew. Alan, being as stubborn as he is just could not back down and made himself look like a fool by trying to defeat someone he could not beat. For the first time in his life, he cried after feeling powerless and cursed Athalia under his breath as all of this would have never happened if he hadn't gone to that school. After wandering around in solitude, Alan finally decided to sharpen his skills by doing some intense training with the dragon military. The kind of training that his father and his friend had. There had to be some kind of secret to gaining power and the only way to find out himself. It was shameful of him to work under someone's direct orders, but he had no other choice. The events at Athalia really got into his head. The atmosphere was quite different that he received in his clan. No one in the military respected Alan nor did they see him as a strong dragon, even if he was the son of an important power. During these five years he climbed up the ranks and at one point, he discovered Athalia had burned to the ground and unknowingly had been affected by the dragon curse. He did not really care much about Athalia, but he knew there had to be survivors after meeting the people there for the first day. One day, he wishes to see those academy students again and redeem himself by proving that dragons are superior to whatever pathetic race he comes across. [/center] ---------------------------------------------- [center] [b]Appearance[/b] [hider=Pic][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2013/003/9/b/nurse_by_farixsanq-d5qcf4y.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name[/b] Kiwi [h3]Basics:[/h3] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Species/Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 34 [b]Height:[/b] 165.1cm (5'5") [b]Weight:[/b] 56.7kg (125 lbs) [b]Hair Color:[/b] Orange [b]Eye Color:[/b] Blue [b]Skin Color:[/b] Fair [b]Figure:[/b] Fit/Hourglass [b]Job:[/b] Nurse [h3]Powers[/h3] [i]Power Name[/i] - Insect manipulation. Kiwi is able to control various types of insects to do her bidding, that is if they submit to her will. The inside of her body is a living hive and she is able to communicate with her insects. Because of the various insects that are already occupying inside her, her body is able to mass produce new types of species and summon them on will. Kiwi has various types of bugs inside her body which each one has a different purpose. Every type of bug can have the ability to fly, swim or have certain environmental immunities. [i]Offensive bugs[/i]- The angry swarm, the only type of her bugs that can infest themselves into other people's bodies and eat them from the inside out. They usually give nasty bites or sharp stings which can inject poison into someone's bloodstream. The bigger the insect, the more dangerous it will be. [i]Defensive bugs[/i]- Usually the ones who stay inside Kiwi's body and repairs some damage done to her. They are also the type of bugs who can support Kiwi's body and make her withstand certain types of damage that her body alone could not. They are the only type of bugs that can have any kind of healing properties, which can be broken down and mixed into some medicine to enhance it. They travel slower than their two counterparts, but they cannot be damaged or killed off so easily as it takes more effort than usual. [i]Scouting bugs[/i]- The smallest and fastest type of bugs that Kiwi has in stock. They are also more intelligent than their two counterparts. Their only purpose is to spy and collect/process information. They are quite fragile and cannot fight back when attacked. They can be annoying to catch however as they can detect danger before it even happens. [h3]Weaknesses[/h3] [i]They are her babies[/i] – Kiwi has a special attachment to her bugs, every single one. It hurts her inside to discover if any of her bugs were slain. Even though she can mass produce them inside her body, it would feel like if she was giving birth to them herself and treats them like her own children. So destroying even one of them will affect her emotionally. [i]Bug Contract[/i]- She cannot bind the will of an insect outside her body without forming some type of bond or contract with them. She may be able to communicate with them, but she cannot force them to fight for her. [i]Frail Body[/i] - It may not seem like it, but her body is rather frail. She can bruise and break her bones pretty easily when she is not supported by her defensive bugs. She has to be aware to avoid these kinds of damages in order for her bugs to take action. It takes a heavy toll on her body whenever she mass produce new bugs whenever she is on a low count. It tires her out and makes her body even weaker because the insects feed on the nutrients inside her. [i]They are still bugs[/i] - Her bugs can be easy to deal with, if against the right person. Basically anything that can burn, squish or eat her insects. Strong winds can throw their flight off course and blow them away or even slice them. Water can deal with those that aren't water based insects...you get the idea. [i]Long Ranged Fighter/Supportive Role[/i] - She is a long ranged fighter, close range combat is not her specialty. Being a capable healer puts her on the supportive role as well. She tries to avoid fights that would require her services afterwards. Her syringe may buy her time, but most of it is made out of glass. [h3]Personality[/h3] Kiwi is sexy, well educated, and ridiculously sadistic. A woman who relieves others of their skeletons probably for fun. It takes a special type of insanity to go out on the battlefield with a three foot syringe gun while people are gunning her down, but she doesn't have to worry about that. Kiwi believes that big needles can solve any problem! It doesn't matter where she puts it, as long as it enters someone's body! She takes pleasure in her work and often creeps students out with the things she says to them...conducting experiments on their bodies, sewing on extra limbs, taking away limbs...all of that fun stuff. She welcomes the injured with open arms and gets pretty excited whenever someone steps into her clinic, even when someone doesn't require any medical assistance...because they [i]will[/i] get it regardless. Despite her playful sadistic nature, she really does deeply care about the students and her colleagues, enough to stitch a badly shaped heart into their skin. Let it be noted that she is a teaser and will try to playfully embarrass even the most sensitive of people when the situation calls for it. [h3]Background[/h3] Kiwi grew up with a rich family that was able to afford her education. It was her dream to become a doctor ever since she was a little Kiwi. She discovered her powers at an early age that she even told her parents about it, but they thought it was just her imagination. Back then her powers were only limited to a few bugs that wouldn't catch her parent's attention. When she got older, she realized that it was best to keep her powers under wraps, even though her parents haven't noticed it this whole time. During her attendance at a regular medical school, she was greeted by someone from Athalia Academy. They explained to her about how she can hone her special gift by enrolling into the academy, she was a bit skeptical at first, but she finally decided to give it a shot without sacrificing her medical studies. After a few years in Athalia Academy she finally graduated at age twenty-five, but not without learning a new medical technique which involved a few dissected insects, bodies, and her trusty syringe. She decided to stay and is now working as head of the medical department at Athalia Academy. After the destruction of Athalia Academy, Kiwi managed to survive and traveled around the world as a nurse for hire. She came across so many patients who did not like her methods that she had to strap them down in order for her to do her work. Despite this, her true intention was to locate the whereabouts of the former Principle Maria Ann Cross and the students who attended the academy. With them on her conscious, she is able to push forward and deal with whoever comes in her way. During her travels, she ran into a few students along the way and made sure they were doing well. She offered them a special injection that would keep them healthy while at the same time, she would be able to track their location by using her bugs. Yes, that is right, she injected them with a scouting bug which feeds off little of their nutrients to stay alive inside their body. Just kidding, she just planted them on their clothes, but when asked she tells them that. Currently, she has received information about where Maria is hiding and is heading towards her last seen location, to offer her services once more. [b]Side note:[/b] Often seen carrying a huge (3'5") syringe around...which is capable of shooting smaller syringes if loaded with any. Otherwise it's just a large syringe. [/center]