[quote=@RavenxVoid] So thinking, would we start as regular people, perhaps wanderers or maybe even mercenaries? [/quote] This I kinda like. Actually, kinda digging it the more I think about it. Living as mercenaries would be easy money, because in a world of monsters, apocalyptic wastelands and evil mutants, who wouldn't want a professional band of techies, engineers and gun-wielding rule-breakers? [center][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/282/9/b/513_squad_by_huntang-d7zz2ul.jpg[/img][/center] After all, this is ALSO a world where entire cities were consumed by un-natural forces very swiftly... there's probably a lot of now unguarded bank vaults all over the place, there's supplies and tech practically laying around, waiting to be picked up by whomever claims it first... Not to mention a whole mess of 'lost cities' and powerful mystical artifacts that have been unearthed by the cataclysm in various places. ever hear of Shambala? The trick being that it's all based in rather hostile places, full of the mutant monsters, roving bandits, mad cults from before the end of days, the mysterious Fae, so walking would be out of the question.... [center][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/142/9/2/heavy_helicopter_concept_by_spex84-d3gzd8r.jpg[/img][/center] How does everyone feel about this?