Gwen looked at the newcomer that just entered the room and couldn't help but feel bad for him. "Geez, his timing is perfect," she thought sarcastically to herself. She strolled over to him and gently put an arm around his shoulder, or at least she tried to, it turns out that he was a bit too tall for that. She settled with a playful punch in the arm instead. "Welcome to hell, you're just in time," she smirked. She realized he was pretty freaked out by the entire situation and tried her best to comfort him. "I'm Gwen, the weird man with the dragon is Phil, the pretty girl with the vines is Serena, the kid who looks like he wants to go home is Jason, the dude with the British look and glasses is John, the red-head is Ethan, I don't know who that quiet guy over there is (Nick), and that jerk is apparently Gary," she explained. Then she took a deep breath, she wasn't really used to talking this much. "So, who are you?"