So no one else seems to be posting interest right now, so I've decided that I'll just go ahead and move onto the OOC portion of this as we at least have enough for a small connected group of people. Few things to note before we get started. 1) I won't be following arcana closely. I mean since this isn't a single person experience, the idea of leveling up relationships and arcana and stuff seems a little pointless, so I'm leaving it out of having a major role. At most, CS's submitted might have an arcana just so I get the basis of what your character is like "combat" wise. 2) There is going to be a theme for the characters, not the persona. I'm sure you've heard and remember the types of themes that persona 4 had and 5 will have in terms of how characters work. First in persona 4 we had the idea of the "shadow" versions of each character and their inner hidden thoughts, and 5 will be working on the idea of "cathartic release" and "breaking free from the chains" and "emancipation" and such things. Well, for this RP, the theme is going to be "desires and regrets." Now all of the controlled characters (you guys) will be introduced together and get their personas and such together, however the way this RP will work is in "arcs" of sorts. First we'll have a "story" arc in which the characters do something to progress the overall story, and then we'll have "personal" arcs in which we turn one person into the "main character" of sorts for that series of post, in which a person must confront their desires and regrets in order to not only better themselves, but realize their full potential. During these times, the person who's character is the focus of the arc will become the "GM" for that portion of the RP, as their character is the focus for that section. I'll be demonstrating how these things should play out towards the beginning of the RP, and then I'll leave you guys to handle each of yours specific parts. I'll explain more in the OOC about how I want this integrated into the CS of your character. 3) I've decided on free form personas. No need to hold people's creativity back by inducing a specific theme for the personas, so up to you guys who you want to pull up, as long as it's not something like "God" with almighty element lol. That's it, OOC should be up roughly in an hour to 3 max, cya guys in a bit.