[i]Elizabeth Hawkins[/i] - [u]The [color=f6989d]Fox[/color] and the [color=82ca9d]Hound[/color][/u] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-iSkYbqp40]An Alchemist's Library[/url] As the Knight exploded from the confines of the mattress and sheets, the Alchemist blearily sat up herself to rest her weight against the her palms upon the mattress. Just in time to hear his roommate speak and congratulate him on bringing a girl back to their room. Watching on as Michael spun to look in fear at first, she covered her mouth in a lazy yawn as not even for a second did the [color=f6989d]Fox[/color] panic. This wasn't the first time where she had been somewhere she didn't belong, and she had escaped unscathed just fine. Though this would be the first time she escaped from an escapade in the boys' dormitory. Once Michael spun to look at her and then burst out in uproarious laughter, and her reaction was to sharply awaken a bit more from her dreary state. Surely her hair was certainly all kinds of a mess, it always was in the morning. More importantly than that however, the Alchemist realized she had made a dire mistake in her daring little last bit before falling asleep. She had worn red lipstick. The very same color that was stained upon his cheek. [color=f6989d][i]Oh dear...well, breakfast is going to be amusing.[/i][/color] Touching her lips and realizing that there would likely be a dire price to pay for such upon a later time, Elizabeth slowly stood and slipped on her shoes and watched onward as Michael scout the outdoors for any faculty members. Finding none, she teasingly ruffled his hair to make it somewhat as disastrous as her own in its current state. [color=f6989d]"I'll catch you at breakfast then, see you."[/color] Slyly winking in a clever façade that greatly contrasted the panic that had settled in her heart, she darted from the room and hastily made her way with light feet towards her own dormitory. It wasn't far, and she was plenty stealthy. Darting from one shadow to the next, the fiery headed girl dove into her own dormitory room and snapped the door shut behind her. Resting her back against the solid panel of wood then, she let a long breadth escape her lips as if she had been holding it the entire time. He was due to notice [i]that[/i] by now, no doubt. [i][color=f6989d]How could you have been so daft you dolt?![/color][/i] Slowly she sank to sit against the door as she drew her knees to her chest in discomfort to what she had done. It was supposed to be a secret that she actually [i]liked[/i] him, but now it was far too plainly evident. Even then, she had arrived before Maribeth awoke so there was still a chance that she hadn't noticed that the fiery headed girl hadn't returned the night prior. Unclasping the skirt about her waist and tossing it onto the bed, and unbuttoning the blouse; the Alchemist realized then that in all the hustle and hurry to escape from Michael's room and prospective trouble, she had forgotten her overcoat and tie in [i]his[/i] dormitory. Without a doubt she would certainly have to retrieve those later. Settling into her usual morning routine, her mind and soul settled and she resumed her usual mischievous and inquisitively intelligent stance. The standard fanfare of a long, warm shower and lavender scented shampoo and conditioner. Running her fingertips through her hair after she managed to force it to behave, Elizabeth carefully went about the work to straighten it from its haphazard curliness and then the meticulous work about to braid it in a long, but elegant looking appearance that hung beautifully over her shoulder. Thanking the stars she had extra coats and ties, she carefully donned the latter and former respectively after buttoning the blouse comfortably over the front of her form. Tossing a bag carrying the first pair of classes' books over her shoulder, the Alchemist left a note upon Maribeth's nightstand. [i][color=f6989d]"I'll see you at breakfast! Take care now!" --Ellie[/color][/i] With that, she darted out the door once again and made her way towards the first and her absolute favorite meal of the day. Walking quickly with the purpose of beating Michael there, the quick-footed girl found that she was among the first in the Dining Hall, and in fact she had beaten the Knight there. Hurrying along through the line, she ate lightly then as she always did. Fresh citruses and fruits accompanied by some eggs done over easy with a little cheese. Feeling a little stressed, she even added a bit of toast with strawberry jam to the mixture of her usual morning meal. Something a little sweeter to uplift her spirits. At least the smell was as comforting as well as it was invigorating. This day was going to be like any other day, of course. Denial told her that Michael wouldn't notice the dab of crimson on his cheek, denial gave her hope that he dove into the shower before noticing the mark she had left. Yet as the doors opened and Michael strode inward with an air of confidence. Accompanied by a grin that she knew could only be jubilance. [i][color=f6989d]Oh blast it...he saw it.[/color][/i] Shaking her head slightly and regaining the coy and cunning sense she had always been known to possess, she smirked lightly as she watched the boy gather his own breakfast from the corner of her eye. Of course she herself was acting as if nothing had happened, simply plucking up a piece of freshly cut pineapple and popping it into her mouth nonchalantly as he sat down in front of her. [i][color=f6989d]Maybe I'm lucky, maybe I'm not...I suppose I'm about to find out.[/color][/i] [color=f6989d]"Well? How was your first night in Northwood, Michael?"[/color] She quipped inquisitively with shockingly believable sincerity.