[h2][color=39b54a]Stella Herbalem[/color]- 6:30 AM Breakfast Hall[/h2] Stella had woke up at around 6:00. She was use to sleeping later, but didn't want to be late to breakfast. She first went to the showers, and cleaned herself up. She was excited for her first day of classes in this new place. She washed through her hair and pinned it up in a braid. She had Home Ec first, and didn't want her hair getting anything awkward in it. After she was done with her shower, she went to put on the school uniform. She frowned a little at this. She was use to being able to wear what she wanted, something free flowing, and more vibrant. However, this uniform was none of those things. She muttered to herself silently as she tugged up the tights, trying to avoid putting a hole in them. She buttoned up the shirt and then the blazer, after pulling on the skirt. She nearly fell over in the process, but came out unscathed. She locked up her dorm room and had her notebook for the first day, and headed to breakfast. However, as she looked at the map, and then around, she got a bit lost in her thoughts, and bumped RIGHT into an older student. Again. For the second time in two days. [color=00a651]"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!"[/color] She said and looked at him, and blushed. He was about two years older than her, she guessed maybe more. Brown hair and rather lovely eyes. [color=00a651]"I... uh, sorry! I wasn't paying attention!"[/color] [@Saltwater Thief]