[@Durandal] [color=#CC0000][u]Eastwing ship [i]Protector III[/i][/u][/color] [hider=Image][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/fe/16/9d/fe169d7ab7ecaa282827b4ec9de55222.jpg[/img] [sup]Except with some red racing stripes.[/sup] Armament: 8 Laser Cannons (with chromatic variation and illumination) Defenses: Basic geodesic shield array[/hider] [u][color=#CCCCCC]Department of Engineering[/color][/u] The core bluespace crystal array, a bank of 312 crystals suspended in anti-vibrational fluid arranged in a neat series of hexagonal cells, glowed a fierce shade of blue. The light rippled pleasantly on the ceiling like water. The array made pleasant blorbling sort of noises, and the light gradually grew brighter. A thousand micro-manipulators were finishing a long, complicated series of synchronous maneuvers. The countdown clock was rapidly approaching 0:00:00.00, and the noise in Engineering was coming to a crescendo. The smart glass separating the crystal array from the main engineering department shaded over, blocking out most of the brilliant blue light. "Bluespace translation in 3... 2... 1," the computer announced. The [i]Protector III[/i] disappeared with a sound of tearing spacetime (helpfully piped throughout the ship). It re-appeared in Macharian Space in a shower of blue sparks, a few spiraling lazily off into space. "Ship's still here," Elsie Detchkiss, Chief Engineer reported into her monitor. "No alerts. We're intact." "No casualties," Dr. Beck, the Chief Medical Officer reported. "Science, report," Captain Archer ordered. The Research Director turned away from his viewscreen, staring at a monitor for a few seconds. "Local space is reading an inhabitable planet. Ah, one moment," Dr. Dunfife said. He pressed his finger to his headset. "Xenodiplomacy's reporting anomalous energy readings. Possibly indicative of intelligent life." "Hostile?" the captain asked. "No way of knowing, Captain," Dr. Dunfife said. "There's a hell of a lot of traffic, though. Don't think there's FTL, or at least..." Dr. Dunfife glanced at his other monitor. "Yeah, sensors haven't picked up any FTL." Marshal Rockford, Head of Security, grumbled at Dr. Dunfife. Captain Archer glared at him briefly. "Can they detect us?" he asked Dr. Dunfife. "Hard to say. We haven't detected a change in traffic patterns." "We're not known for our subtlety," Marshal Rockford said. "They probably have every hidden weapons array in this system trained on us now. I recommend we go to red alert." "Noted, but I think we'll give xenodip. a chance to make contact before leaping to that conclusion," Captain Archer said. "Doctor Dunfife, handle that, please. Elsie, how long until the bluespace crystals cool down?" "Ten minutes, Captain," Elsie responded. It wasn't a hard question. A max-range jump always meant a ten-minute cooldown, or at least it did on the [i]Protector III[/i]. "Fine. Commander Jones, anything to report?" Captain Archer asked the Head of Personnel, his second-in-command. "Other than the janitor wanting direct access to Cargo, no," Commander Jones said. She was virtually useless at this meeting, and everyone knew it. "Good. We meet again in one hour, barring any new developments. Dismissed," Captain Archer said. Each of the department heads thumbed the off switch on their monitors. [hider=Standard Greeting][i][b]Greetings! This is the ship [i]Protector III[/i]. We hail from a nation called Eastwing, and our race is called "Khasi". We come in peace, and are interested in establishing trade relations. If you understand this message, please respond on the same frequency. If you don't understand this message, please respond anyway. If you intend to respond with hostile weapons fire, please do not respond. If you haven't invented telecommunications yet, the key is the sticks, guys! Rub the sticks together![/b][/i][/hider]