[center][h2][img]http://www.picgifs.com/graphics/f/flowers/graphics-flowers-178387.gif[/img][color=8dc73f]💮Serena Myers💮[/color][img]http://www.picgifs.com/graphics/f/flowers/graphics-flowers-178387.gif[/img][/h2][/center] Serena was completely focused on Gary and his men, she barely noticed someone new enter. [i][color=8dc73f]It's only been five minutes with these people and already you've lost your manners! What would mother say?[/color][/i] Serena guessed it didn't matter what her mother said, she wasn't here, Serena was on her own. "Don't be afraid," She said, trying to calm his obvious nerves "We're just like you, see?" Serena held out her palms, a growing red rose bloomed right in her hands. This had taken her months to perfect, and it was something she loved doing. Creating life filled her with joy and passion. But now wasn't the time for thinking about that. She smiled at him one last time before turning to Phil. "Let them go and let them take their weapons" Phil said to Serena and looked Gary straight in the eye with a serious expression. "Be warned though, before even thinking about harming anyone in this room, just know that I am faster than the speed of light and more intense than the sun" he said in an intimidating tone. his eyes focused into a stare before continuing. "That's not metaphoric either". Serena got the chills from his rather terrifying threat. Tonight, Serena was experiencing so many new things, she couldn't even count them. Hesitatingly, she willed the vines to return Gary and his men their weapons. Had Phil not asked her to, she probably would have kept them as far away from them as she could. Serena just didn't understand why anyone would want to hold a gun, let alone use it. [color=8dc73f]"I still do not understand why anyone would wish to hold the power of something lethal and capable of killing another being,"[/color] Serena mumbled to herself.