As soon as the words started to come out of Simons mouth he could feel the object press harder against the back of his neck, if whatever it was pressed with all of their might he was pretty sure they could sever his spinal cord. By the time the last words came out of his mouth he could feel that the object had broken his skin enough for a small trickle of blood to start making its way down his uncovered back. As he lay there thinking his last words, thanking his parents for all they have done and saying a small prayer in case this was his last moment the pressure stopped. Simons assailant had removed the sharp object from the back of his neck. [quote=@TheDarkTemplar]"That voice...I've heard it before"[/quote] He was about to move but Simon could feel the figure getting a lot closer to his face, if it hadn't been night time Simon was positive that he could figure it out who it was if Simon had seen them before. He may have known the person but however anything in this forest could have heard his voice and been tracking him down, he did survive a giant forest fire and a trip down the waterfall so he might have caught the attention of the locals. [quote=TheDarkTemplar]"Simon? Come with me"[/quote] The last vowel had barely left their mouth before they had taken off towards the mouth of the cave. It took Simon a few moments to recognize the voice of his assailant, was that ... was that Talan? [color=red] "Talan, TALAN is that you!? [/color] Simon had to start raising his voice since by the sound of the footsteps Talan had already taken off out of the cave. [color=red] TALAN! TALAN WAIT I DON'T HAVE MY GLASSES AND CAN'T SEE![/color] Normally Simon wouldn't be that desperate to follow someone especially someone as ... well aggressive as Talan, but Simon was at a serious disadvantage without his glasses since he couldn't even make out the back of his stretched out hand properly. Simon grabbed the mask in one hand and tried to find the frog with the other. Thankfully he managed the grab the frog in a few seconds and he was able to try and follow Talan as best as he could in the dark. Luckily since he was without his glasses his hearing had perked up a little bit to compensate for his lack of vision and he was able to make out the sounds of footsteps, hopefully they were still Talans.