[Hider=Appearance][img]http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/463/keij.jpg[/img][/Hider] [color=00aeef][B]Nishihara Kei[/B][/color] [B]Mocha [s]Dreams[/s] Nightmare[/B] Nothing is ever so weird that it cannot get weirder. Surely that was true for this city. What used to be just the coffee place I had visited a couple of times before had somehow turned into a battlefield. It felt as if I had been thrown inside the weirdest nightmare, though I was pretty sure this was still reality. Probably. Fighting had broken out in the hall thanks to a new arrival, while the group which had been the hostages quickly divided into people fighting and people running. The fact that this kind of stuff could happen certainly showed how far detached from normal reality we were. Of course, I too decided to act stupidly. While the battle raged on the main hall, I dashed further into the coffee. Kirima-senpai had been taken there earlier, and the semblance of a plan forming in my mind involved getting him out of there, then rallying the people still in the hall and getting out of that place before it got worse, as it inevitably would.Not the best plan, but a plan none the less. Anti-skill could mop up the bandits after we were all out. With these thoughts, I run through the doorway into a smal corridor of sorts. Since nothing in life can ever be easy, of course one of these clowns was just standing right there, and of course he had some sort of rifle straight out of a videogame, leaving me with no real choice but to improvise some way to fight him. In that split second when our eyes met, he raised his gun towards me, while the seven steel wires that had been previously hidden within my clothes flew off. As he pushed the trigger, the wires firmly wrapped themselves around his weapon and I raised my left hand, said wires following the motion and jerking the weapon upwards as well. That did not have the intended effect of yanking the weapon out of his hands as I had intended, but it did have the effect of making the stream of bullets hit the ceiling rather than me. My plan not having worked so well, I dashed towards him, clenching my right hand into a fist and punching his neck, which seemed like the most vulnerable spot I could hit. That also did not work as well I had hoped, as instead of gasping for air he retaliated by hitting the side of my head with the back of his right fist. I instinctively took a step back. I was running out of options, so I did something I did not wish to do. With a quick movement from both of my hands, the wires that had been grasping his weapon let go of it. The bandit seemed surprised and attempted to turn his weapon towards me again, but this movement was cut short by the sudden pressure building on his neck, from the seven wires constricting it tightly. I felt terribly guilty as I saw him drop his weapon and attempt a futile struggle to stop the wires from choking him. As he stopped struggling, I immediately loosened the grip and let him hit the floor. A quick look told me the bandit was still breathing, thankfully, but would also hopefully be out of the fight. I had more pressing matters now, the police would take care of him. Now, to get Kirima-senpai. I opened the door to what I guessed was the storage room. Hopefully giant-san would be there. The scene taking place inside the storage room made me feel like my nightmare had been finally pumped up to eleven. Certainly, a blood splattered room with bits of people lying around was a fairly accurate depiction of what hell would look like. The fact that Kirima-senpai, easily distinguishable by his size was among it did not ease me in the slightest. Rather, it would not be weird if he were actually to reveal himself as a demon at that moment. "[color=00aeef][b]...Kirima-senpai... What happened here?![/b][/color]" I should probably have been worried about my upperclassman. That would have been the right thing to do, but rather, I was terrified by him. What had he done? Or rather, what kind of monster was he? My hands unconsciously trembled and moved. The wires, still being manipulated by them, flowed freely and slashed at the walls near where I stood. The adrenaline levels were still high. My body was certainly classifying that "thing" in front of me as a threat. "[b][color=00aeef]What did you do?![/color][/b]"