[indent][color=yellow]"Yeah, her name's Casey. Cute lil' thing, ain't she."[/color] Sam smiled as the little beagle sniffed the stranger's hand gently, before looking up at him with her tail at a wag, as if to say 'Sam this guy's cool!' He gave her head another affectionate little ruffle before he hoisted her up into his arms, cradling her gently as she rested her head against his chest. The man held out the doll and Sam raised an eyebrow. It wasn't every day that someone you didn't know offered you a doll... [/indent] [b]“She was my mum’s and don’t drop her, but I’m trying to find the girl.”[/b] [indent]...and asked you to find its owner. He took the doll from him and held it in a hand for a while. Where'd he seen a little thing like this before...he had a memory but it was vague, curse his greying brain cells. He wasn't one to leave someone down though, so he gave the stranger a nod and a smile. [color=yellow]" 'Course I'll help you look for her. She mean a lot to ya?"[/color] Sam smiled as he held out the doll for the stranger to take back. Not ten minutes and already he had work, though certain things about his mysterious visitor...piqued his interest. Like how he'd near instantly known that his beagle was named Casey. Perhaps he'd seen the collar on her neck with the single silver tag on it with her name engraved on it, perhaps he hadn't, but he'd known almost as he touched her. A Hype? Wasn't out of the picture, strange things were happening a lot these days. Well, he'd give it a shot. Might be fun. Probably. [/indent]