[h1]Gary[/h1] [hr] Gary listened to the elementals points, and then took heed of Phil's threats. "Got it man, no problem." He said, raising his hands up, then he and his members took back their weapons that Serena held captive. Gary cocked his gun as Serena commented on the weaponry. "I guess it's a security kind of thing... I mean, we need something to stop the Vygorns killing us, right?" He said, as a response even though she wasn't necessarily aiming it at them. All of a sudden, Gary's radio chimed in, "Junker Squad, Searchlight came in for back-up and discovered a potential intel source, they are bringing her to the Warehouse, return immediately, your job is done." Gary then realised that someone who was a part of their group must have arrived late and was found by Searchlight Squad. "Phil, I think we have one of your people," He said, he then turned to the muscled man and the woman with the gas mask. "Get the trucks." Gary said, they both nodded and left the underground of the club. "Sorry to take you from here but we're going to need you to come with us." Gary said. "Whether you decide to come or not, could you let me know outside?" He requested before sliding his pistol into his pocket and walking upstairs. [hr] [h1]THE WAREHOUSE[/h1] [hr] Max leant of the side as the pickup truck pulled up to the warehouse. Two armed guards dressed in similar garbs to the renegades stood outside the gate. "Who's that?" One of them said, nodding to Amaya. "Our intel, let us in." Max ordered. "You got it, cowboy." the guard said, pulling the gate open. The truck calmly went through and made it's way to the warehouse. A huge compound seemingly abandoned, but with the Renegades' symbol expertly spray painted on the side above two large metal doors. The truck went through the open doors and pulled into a bustling hive of activity with many renegade members running, lifting boxes, maintaining weapons or driving trucks in and out. Max hopped out of the side and went round to Amaya's door. He opened it for her and moved to the side. "Welcome to our home." He said with a smile. A shirtless man wearing tight blue jeans who's torso and arms was covered in tattoos. He strided across the warehouse floor past the bustle and straight to the truck. "This is her?" He questioned.