[quote=@WeepingLiberty] [@ChadsWorth The Third] Nova smiled politely and nodded her acknowledgement as the chief introduced himself. "It is a pleasure Mr. Grayson, my name is Nova Black. Feel free to call me Nova if you wish." Clasping her hands together neatly in front of her, Nova took a breath to steady herself before continuing on. "I'm aware that you are a busy man with all that is going on, so I'll try not to keep you too long. I've only come to offer my help with the investigation." She motioned to the crime scene behind the man with a subtle nod. [/quote] “Hmm. How would you be able to help with the investigation, Nova?” Grayson asked. “Maybe you could help with the witnesses. We haven’t questioned them, because Dorian isn’t here. We called him using the local Pub’s phone, but he hasn’t arrived yet,” Looking around. “Where is that man?” [quote=@Exodus] [i]"Good morning, Chief Grayson. Ma'am."[/i] He nodded to both of them politely. [i]"I'll get to examining the scene immediately, if I could borrow Constable Johnson to fill me in."[/i] Dorian started walking away. [i]"But only him. I like him. He's got a certain quality about him...[/i] He rambled on, moving further out of earshot. [/quote] "Yes, Of course. Excuse me Nova.” Grayson said as he lifted the yellow tape to let Dorian in. “Johnson!” Grayson called out. One of the Constables turned around, and saw Dorian “Dorian! Hey! It’s been a long time. Two weeks since our last drinking brigade?” Johnson said, chuckling. “Okay. Here’s what’s going on. We got this bloody man, and he’s dead, his head cut off and put in front of The Queen, kneeling. He had this in his hand.” He pulled a note from out of his pocket, stating [i]He died as he lived: Kneeling before a fat woman. The next one might not be able to say the same.[/i] “As you probably already know, this ‘Game Master’ is bloody bonkers. We got three witnesses, one even saying she saw the entire thing. They’re in that house over there,” gesturing to the house across the street. “It belongs to one of the witnesses, and she’s letting us question them in the house while we’re here.”