Phil felt bad as the men took their weapons, [i]They really meant no harm...[/i] He thought as he listened to Gary's request. He waited for all the Resistance to leave before turning towards the group. "I... That... happened..." Phil said with a confused look on his face. Toran then landed on Phil's head, pushing his hair in front of his eyes. "Phil, you should go. They are a perfect force to use against the Vygorns. You should see if you can recruit them! Scatterbrain..." Toran said as if a manner of fact. Phil swatted at Toran till he flew off out the open door and proceeded to fix his hair back into place. "One day, I'll get you a fucking perch..." he muttered under his breath. He then looked at back at the elementals as an awkward silence hit the room. After a moment, Phil came up with an idea which he vocalised optimistically "We should all go! This could be important and you could all learn from it. It seems low risk enough but, of course, it's up to your selves to decide. If your coming, follow me. If not, well... you can stay here and... entertain yourself or something?" Phil then realised that there was one, very confused Hygorn still waiting for his briefing on his situation. Gwen tried but... [i]Well it's the thought that counts[/i] Phil thought as he walked up to the fairly tall man. Phil took a minute to chose his words before speaking. "I know you are confused but if you had a vision recently and have had a type of control over an element, then I can explain everything. Just follow us, I'll explain along the way. If you are just an unlucky bystander who just walked in on this..." Phil paused as he realised that this man could just be some random guy. He quickly rooted around in his brain for an answer and came out with "Your Dreaming" as an excuse. "Nice one, you glorified light bulb" Toran telepathically said to Phil. Phil once again just gave a look of dissatisfaction at Toran's comment.