[b]Name:[/b] Fujiwara no Mokou [b]Age:[/b] 1300+ [b]Gender:[/b] Female [hider=Appearance][img]http://en.touhouwiki.net/images/8/84/Th145Mokou.png[/img][/hider] [b]Canon, AU, or OC?:[/b] Canon [b]Universe of Origin:[/b] Touhou Project [b]Personality:[/b] She doesn't really talk about herself much, and is known for keeping to herself, but when engaged in conversation Mokou's actually quite blunt and surprisingly lively. She [i]really[/i] seems to get a kick out of fighting--or at least battles to the death, even if she's the only person that's going to get killed. Despite this, and having no self-preservation (or common sense--there's no [i]reason[/i] for her to not eat, but she goes hungry because she can), she's a pretty nice person. After all, you'd have to be to make one of your most common activities 'help people that got lost'. [b]Abilities/Weapons:[/b] [list][*][u]Perfect Immortality:[/u] Due to having consumed the Hourai Elixir when she was younger, there is no way to actually kill Mokou that will work. Vaporised, decapitated, poisoned, left in a vacuum--without fail, she'll be fine afterwards. The actual immortality part (as opposed to not ageing or falling ill) comes from making it impossible for Mokou to be ever dead, which brings a few strange consequences in. It's a good thing that she has this--Mokou's regard for her own well-being is essentially nil, and over time this seems to have made her incredibly fragile, especially compared to most of Gensokyo's more combative residents. It also makes the task of defeating her via brute force a lot easier: getting killed still hurts; inflict enough injury and she'll go down. Or just don't inflict so much that she'd die, since she doesn't heal from [i]that[/i] instantly. [*][u]Magic:[/u] Through a long life, and a lot of practice, Mokou has become far more powerful than people tend to expect a human to be. Aside from Gensokyo's ubiquitous flight... well, she mostly seems to be content to play with fire, despite it being doubtful that it's [i]all[/i] she can do. Fireballs, explosions, exploding herself... given the state of her shirt compared with everything else on her person, she's probably capable of making ofuda to fireproof something. [*][u]Kicking:[/u] She seems to prefer it.[/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] The daughter of a nobleman, most likely Fujiwara no Fujito, managed to embarrass himself in front of someone known for being incredibly beautiful (who happened to be from the moon). Getting annoyed at this, Mokou chose to steal a gift to the emperor to spite Kaguya, and through chance succeeded despite her total inability to be threatening at this point. Also killed a guy in the process by shoving him off a cliff. Then she drank the elixir in a moment of weakness, and ended up regretting it. Some point in the next thousand years, she went rather crazy and spent three centuries killing anyone nearby. Then three centuries doing nothing. In the end, she found Kaguya again, which was nice; it meant someone to kill again and again and again in a magnificent stalemate. [b]Faction:[/b] N/A