Animatronic Name & Victim Name: Terror, Thomas Johnson Appearance: A large man that wears black. Black leather jacket, black boots, black jeans, e.c.t. When the chips are down he will remove his jacket, revealing powerfully built arms....and everything else. Terror stands at 6'3 and what skin is visible is deathly pale. Finally you never see his face, instead there is a black leather mask that hugs his face tightly. Two white discs are the only apparent eyes and a zipper runs vertically from the middle of the face, chin to forehead. Sex: Male Class: Nightmare Powers: -Great strength, Terror is far stronger than any human could ever hope to be. -Healing, if given enough time time Terror can heal from almost any wound. -Intimidating Presence, an illusion that greatly increases Terror's already great size and fills one with dread. Personality: A consummate professional in a lot of respects. Terror takes no particular pleasure in his role, instead he moves forward with grim determination and the notion that this is "just a job." However he does love a good fight, getting excited at the prospect of either killing a worthy opponent or getting killed himself. History: Thomas was never a great kid. He would never actually do anything bad but it was apparent that he did not like other people. As the child grew older he became much more withdrawn even as he was surrounded by others, instead focusing more on himself than anyone else. As a result when he graduated high school, Thomas knew more about himself and what he wanted more than many kids his age. However his personality blocked off many job opportunities, he was too scary or too negative. So when a night guard position opened up at a local "fun house" and the bills starts to pile up he did really have a choice. At first it was all right, watch the animatronics and the surrounding area. Then things got weird right about the time as the murders. Needless to say he didn't need the job [i]that[/i] badly. Sadly shortly after he met his end. Walking home he had the misfortune of having a knife lodged into his neck. As he lay bleeding on the ground Thomas heard words. They didn't make sense but nor where they any language he had heard but he recognized who was saying them. It was HIM, but who "him" was was forgotten when Thomas died and Terror awoke. Other: [url=]Voice[/url] [url=]Theme[/url]