[center][h2]Zaylin Devonshire[/h2] [h3][b]6:00-6:30 a.m. From the Dorm to the Dining Hall[/b][/h3][/center] Zaylin groaned as her alarm clock sounded, the annoying, high-pitched buzz enough to drive even the most sensible man to insanity. She slammed a fist down on the alarm on the nightstand beside the bed, careful to not smash it harder than it could handle. She had lost more alarm clocks in the last year that way than she had in the rest of her life. [i]Right, school. Public.[/i] Zaylin groaned again and pulled a pillow over her head. From beneath the fluffy comforter, her stomach grumbled. [i]And food.[/i] She peeked out the side of her pillow and glared at the early morning sunlight brightening the window’s curtains. [i]They need night classes.[/i] Blinking groggily through the layer of sleep clouding her vision, Zaylin tossed her blankets from her and sat up. She glanced to Athena’s bed, now empty. The memory of the other girl’s alarm sounding and her leaving formed only a foggy memory. Muttering unintelligible complaints about the morning, Zaylin grudgingly got ready for her day. She hesitantly changed into the school’s uniform, the hem of her skirt nearly brushing against the floor and the blazer thankfully black. She slipped on a pair of socks over the accursed tights, then adorned her usual pair of combat boots. To finish her look, she put on a gem-studded watch and one of her favorite simple [url=http://i.imgur.com/5LHaSwb.png]chokers[/url], and applied her usual layer of black lipstick. She paused, checking her reflection in the mirror. She tugged at the tie around her neck, its pattern matching her skirt. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment, trying to calm the first-day nerves. With a quick, one-eyed glance to the door, Zaylin placed her hands in front of her as if in prayer. Inhaling through her nose, she opened her eyes. The gold in her irises intensified as a thin, serpentine stream of flame curled down her hands. The feeling of exuberant release, of [i]rightness[/i], flooded through her and tingled comfortingly across her skin. [i]Calm. Control.[/i] The strand broke off into two and licked harmlessly at the cuff before going out, leaving only a slight hint of ash on the fabric. She brushed the ash contentedly away and checked her schedule. Zaylin shoved the books she thought she would need into a messenger bag decorated with various sizes of chains, then headed into the hall, trying to remember how to get to the dining hall as she ran through the various rooms and directions she had gotten from Athena the night before. As usual, her memory served her well. She soon found herself in the crowded room, the smell of breakfast food making her salivate. Making her way through the line of half-awake students, she modestly filled her plate with food worthy of any carnivore, adding a few fruits into the mix for good measure. Not wanting to interact with anyone so early in the morning, she gravitated to one of the few remaining empty tables. Keeping a watchful eye on the time, she pulled out one of her books and began to read while enjoying the surprisingly delectable school breakfast.