[b]Animatronic Name & Victim Name:[/b] Bonnie; "Bradley Rider" [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Itj6LM3uX1s/VLcPMvUT16I/AAAAAAAAAJ4/YrYQBI1J_Mc/w506-h741/15%2B-%2B1[/img] [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Class:[/b] Regular [b]Powers:[/b] Bonnie is incredibly fast and agile, able to run and dodge many projectiles and punches coming his way. He can also leap extremely high, about the height of a five-story building. In addition, his red glowing eyes can also petrify one that looks into his eyes for log enough for a short period of time. [b]Personality:[/b] Bonnie can be described as highly energetic and sneaky, able to master at surprise sneak attacks. He is also rather impatient, usually one who is the first to go into a fight or brawl. Yet if angered, Bonnie is merciless. He will fight and FIGHT AND FIGHT, until you are exterminated. He is also fond of his guitar. [b]History:[/b] Bradley Rider was a good kid at heart. He was bubbly, very friendly, yet highly energetic. He also loved to play music as a tween, especially the electric guitar. In addition, he was part of a band known as The Flying Tigers, based off the WWII squadron of the same name. Bradley was loved by many of his friends and parents and strived to become a famous rockstar when he gets older. However, he would never live to see his dream come true. In the first Freddy Fazbears building, Bradley, as well as 5 other children were lured into a backroom by a person inside a golden springlock costume... a Golden Freddy suit to be exact. The children were expecting to get a nice big surprise, possibly a cake, or maybe even meet the crew in the back stage? But all they received... was death. One by one, they feel the cold, sharp, steel, puncturing their skin as they drop to the floor in a bloody death. All he could hear before his demise was this: "IT'S ME..." Bradley and the others were hidden deep within the pizzeria, away from public view and were forgotten. They would've continued to slowly decay if it were not for the Puppet, who gave the children the gift of new life by turning them into the human animatronics. Bradley's personality allowed him to transform into Bonnie the Bunny, who was also his favorite as a kid. For years he and the others were haunting the halls of the Pizzeria, until the year 1996, where he and the others broke free of their binded curse towards the original animatronics and escaped, causing havoc over the city. One of Bonnie's first victims was the former nightguard Mike Schmidt. He attacked him, biting several times onto his chest and shoulder, yet didn't kill him. He was forced to flee as the Phone Guy came on scene and dragged the nightguard away. Bonnie swore that one day he will get his revenge on him... and so he tried in 2005. Bonnie encountered Mike, who was now a veteran Nightguard Defender, and the two fought viciously. Unfortunately for the Animatronic, his whole face got destroyed after a rocket blasted it open, and was left to die on the floor. However, thanks to the Puppet once again, he got resurrected AGAIN. However... he would never have his face again... and the only thing that remains in his head, are two red dots... as his eyes. He will do anything in order to get his hands on that bastard Mike... anything... and at all costs. [b]Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVnafHgybvI[/youtube]