[h2][b]Maribeth - 6:30 AM - Dining Hall[/b][/h2] Everything seemed to have fallen in place this morning for Maribeth. Although she had gotten very little sleep, due to not being used to her surroundings, she had gotten up with more than enough energy to go for a run. After getting herself up from bed and showering, Mari made quick work out of getting ready for her first day of classes. She did not take too much time since she did not like to get dolled up like most other girls. She simply braided her hair and made sure her clothes were presentable before turning and walking out of the room. She had already seen Elizabeth's note and had kept reminding herself to go and find her in the breakfast area to eat something. The girl smiled as she remembered hearing the door open and shut before the curfew was even lifted. As she walked in, feeling a bit more confident about herself, her eyes immediately began to scan the tables. Finding Elizabeth wouldn't be that hard of a job, but what would probably give her trouble were the two blue eyes that locked on to hers from across the room. Maybe not the eyes, of course, but whom they belonged to. She had never seen the girl in her life, yet something about her made Maribeth freeze in her spot and gape at the older girl. Unfortunately the look that the other girl gave back to her, did not match Maribeth's. It was filled with anger and sadness all in one. __________________________________________________________________ [h2][b]Athena - 6:30 - Dining Hall[/b][/h2] Wide awake, even before the curfew lifted, Athena had gotten up rather than just stayed in bed. She knew if she stayed there, she'd fall back asleep and then no one on the planet would be able to wake her up. Instead, she quietly did a few stretches in the room before showering and making herself look decent. She pulled her hair up in a high ponytail to make sure it didn't go into her face, and took one look in the mirror before quietly heading out. She had stayed up with Zaylin the night before and did not want to wake the poor girl up. Especially since she did not know if her roommate was a morning person or not. Once in the breakfast hall, Athena found her normal spot, a wide grin stretching across her face as she saw her old friends from the dance team. They had gotten her food already, which she quietly thanked them for, and sat down. Falling back into her old routine was easy. Getting used to the changes around it though, was a bit more difficult. At a point in time, though. When Athena had gotten up to dispose of some of her trash, she had turned around and accidentally locked on to a pair of blue eyes that were across the room. They had not meant to be staring at her, that much Athena knew, but something about them was a bit off. No, not off. Something about them was familiar. Athena's mind raced as she tried to find out a reason as to why she felt such nostalgia when she looked at the girl across the room from her. It took her maybe a half a second to a minute to finally figure out why. The eyes that stared at her [i]were[/i] from somebody she knew. She had seen them countless of times in person and in pictures. The girl was her younger sister. The one their own father had picked because Athena was not a normal child. The one that left Athena and her mother without a home or any money. Instantly, Athena was filled with something a bit stronger than anger, yet at the same time, a heavy wave of sadness crashed into her as she felt feelings that she had bottled up so many years ago. The yearning for wanting her father to take her and her mother back. "Maribeth is here..." Athena breathed, not being able to take her eyes off of her sister.