All three of the skeletons in front of the tiefling mage stumbled at the impact of the magic missiles, but Reverin forced them to continue their advance, clawing at the tiefling mage in an attempt to interrupt her spell. One managed to do some minor damage, but by all appearances the tiefling was far more durable than the she looked like, continuing to cast. Reverin keenly felt the impacts on the elemental, wincing at the power of the magic. Even so, he bade the elemantal - perhaps a bit *too* eager - to crush the orc under its fist. The human was far more successful, having obliterated one skeleton outright and doing minor damage to the others. That didn't avoid the claws of the corpses, indicating that they had been doing their work splendidly. The young mage bade the skeletons to grab the human spellcaster and incapacitate him, intending to give the elemental more time to get rid of the orc menace. By the looks of it, the tiefling would be done soon with her casting, her skeletons not lasting long. Briefly shifting his attention to the skeletons surrounding the orc, Reverin mimicked the orders given to the ones attacking the human: try to grab the orc and hold it in place. By the looks of it, however, that would be a failed endeavour, with the orc being nearly twice the size of the walking corpses.