[b]Name:[/b] Caelan [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Caelan][img]http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/306/7/6/league_of_legends___frosted_ezreal_by_squ_chan-d6ss16m.png[/img][/hider] [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Trap expert: From his days spent as a treasure hunter, Caelan has intimate knowledge of the more common traps. He can disable, dismantle or repurpose much of what he comes across in dungeons. [*]Navigator: Traveling alone most of the time required knowing how to get around, and after some painstaking trial and error Caelan's got it down. He is handy at finding which direction to head in and is good at using stars as a map. [*]Forager: A good number of edible and otherwise useful plants exist in the world, all you need to know is where to look. Whether its for medicinal purposes or for a quick meal, Caelan is decent at digging up what he might need.[/list] [b]Magic Abilities:[/b] Water magic, which normally is used in the form of ice magic. [b]Weapons:[/b] Magestone gauntlet. A crystal embedded in this gauntlet helps Caelan channel his magic, increasing the potency of attack spells. He has learned to form a blade of ice on the gauntlet to use during combat. [b]Inventory:[/b] Two blue potions, bottomless waterskin (given to him by Demoko). [b]Bio:[/b] Caelan was born and raised in Clock Town, being raised in a fairly average life. He had parents who cared for him, friends that he liked well enough and life overall was easy and simple. Were he any less adventurous he might have been content to stay there, lead an easy life and work in the shop that his family owned, but that was hardly the case. Even from a young age Caelan had a habit of wandering about, going to the furthest reaches of the town and exploring much to the chagrin of his parents. He has a natural curiosity, one that can only be sated by exploring and experiencing new things. When he grew older his excursions graduated from simply wandering around Clock Town to traveling outside of it, at times going a fair ways away. He always came back home after these trips, but the more that he saw of the world the more he longed for. It was only inevitable then that at 13 years old he would go on a trip outside of town and not return, having decided to go on a journey for himself. Being young as he was, Caelan hardly put any thought into what he was doing. He didn't know where he might go, what he might do for a living or how he'd get what he needed to survive. What little food he brought with him ran out quickly, and for the first week and a half he spent a great deal of time hungry and unable to sleep. He would get a lucky break, or perhaps unlucky, when a group of treasure hunters found him in a nearby town and offered to bring him with them. What he assumed to be an act of benevolence turned into a rather nasty situation as he was taken into dungeons with them, sent ahead to scout for traps and any monsters lurking inside. When your back is forced against the wall you learn pretty quickly, and in a few months time Caelan began to learn the ins and outs of treasure hunting, as well as the dangers that came with it. Though the work was dangerous and the team he worked with hardly the kindest he loved what he did, enjoying the thrill of it; bringing home a good few hundred Rupees every outing didn't hurt either, though most of that went to the group's coffers. For about a year and a half he traveled with these people, making a living off of raiding tombs and caves, selling whatever they found in the process. After a while of seeing his profits dwindle to next to nothing however Caelan became fed up, and now having the skills needed to survive up and left one morning. That was two years ago now, and he has become a successful, solo treasure hunter. He would occasionally team up with others, but the desire to turn a big profit and keep it for himself usually kept him from relying on partners. He's still looking for that excitement in his life however, and he's waiting on the one big haul that might satisfy his craving to explore.