[quote=@Marx] Hey chief, I'm very interested. I'll be working on a character sheet. Any chance I could get some information about the world? What are the varying kingdoms like culturally? Are any of them comparable to the cultures of civilizations in the real world? EDIT: Also, what magics are present in the world? Such as; Destruction, Elemental, Summoning, Druidic, Shamanistic, Ritualistic? [/quote] Culturally, Ardel and Edessa are analogous to your typical fantasy European medieval kingdoms, Welds are like a mix of wood-elvish peoples with some barbarianism in there. Varyans can be thought of as Roman/Mediterranean city states in culture, but with typical European armor and such. The nomads to the east can be thought of as a large mix of Arabian and mongolian, with some japanese weapons and technology thrown in. As for magic.. Magic is cast via spiritual essence, it is kinda typical final fantasy/tales series spells, what with fire balls, thunderbolts, elemental destruction and the like. It is considerably potent, and dangerous, but the aptitude for magic is only found in select people, and is often traced down bloodlines. The power of spells are based experience as well as natural prowess. Magic is primarily elemental/destruction, though other types such as summoning and ritualistic magic will be present, however summoning/ritualism will be much more powerful and taboo in the case of ritualism.