[quote=@Marx] [@vietmyke] Cheers. Can I get a touch of insight on what precisely ritualistic magic entails? Also, for the skills and abilities section what types of skills would fall into the Untrained or Trained category as opposed to the Novice through Legendary category? I'm just not 100% confident on what would be a skill/ability with experience and what wouldn't be. Sorry for the questions, I just like to be thorough! [/quote] Regarding skills... uhh... very few fall into the very binary untrained/trained section. Becuase very few skills are either "you have it or you don't". Untrained/trained means that, if you don't have training in it, you can't use it at all. Most things in life, you can just pick up and try it- you won't be much good, but its not like you're prevented from doing it... let me see.. examples could include.. Trained siege engine usage, trained King's script writer. Idk. For the most part, if you're in doubt, the skill probably falls into the novice-legendary system. Regarding ritualistic magic, you can come up with that yourself, honestly. Its not like I have everything set in stone. If you can come up with something that sounds interesting, but is still taboo, I'll let it be.