Eresa did not bother herself with acknowledging Malte and Kadoodle's prattling or the offer of cookies. Really. Did she look like she could enjoy one of the baked treats? No, golems don't eat. It was insulting to even ask and she felt the strong urge to backhand the fetid little creature. She resisted of course, but couldn't help the feeling of being saddled with the panicky goblin. Following closely behind Mancer, she reached down and dipped a finger into the white slime. It was much like a slug's trail but far more viscous. As the excess dripped off her finger it lengthened, becoming more like a blade than a digit. The others followed suit. [color=DarkOrange]"Indeed, it appears Mr. Ghurst guessed correctly. Split up and look for anyone or anything out of the ordinary."[/color] --- Taking Kai's cue, Ghurst tailed the detective, unable to shake the uneasy feeling of being watched. He shook off the feeling. It would not bode well to be jumpy here. Instead he blamed the feeling on the the eyes of all the others around. Riad's comments on screaming weren't helping. But that's all it was, a feeling. Holstering his rollvolver for the moment, Ghurst once again drew forth a bit of charcoal. He didn't trust the passages down here. It could too easily become a maze on them if they strayed too far from the path. Tracing a black arrow that would be invisible in the gloom without light, he hurried to catch up, arriving just in time to see Edwin lob the stone.