Pretty Cool Things I'd be Into Right Now Modern Greek Mythology (MxF or FxF, Comedy/Romance) Athena's always been a hot-head. I mean, if you want to get technical about it she's turned more women into frighteningly bizarre animorphs in fits of rage than not. She's somehow managed to stay her father's favourite, however - be this through the fact she's basically his forehead spawn or that she doesn't have much competition in regards to her inept siblings. This time, though, she's crossed a line. A line that demands retribution - she's lost her virginity. "What do you mean you lost your virginity? Do you remember where you last had it? Perhaps it's still there." Zeus isn't much of a husband, but he prides himself on being a somewhat okay father. He was especially proud of himself for his two virgin daughters, Athena and Artemis, considering who their philandering father was. "It was an accident, Daddy. You know Dionysus imbibes us with too much wine at dinner parties, I must've taken someone into my bedchambers in my hazy state - " "Don't blame your brother for this!" Zeus snapped, rubbing his temples. He was getting too old for this. "I've showed you too much favouritism as it is. I can't let this go unpunished." Athena bristled. "How dare - " "A year as a mortal." Her father decided, ignoring her. "To teach you the longings and sins of the flesh more profoundly." The goddess's jaw dropped. "You can't be serious." "Deadly." Zeus replied. "To ease your transition I will allow (Aphrodite/Apollo) to accompany you, as they're much more familiar with the mortal realm than most." Little does Athena know, the one person she lost her virginity to is the one shepherding her into her new life as a mortal - only they, with their ability to party with the best of them, remember the night with Athena clearly ... and they'd like a repeat. It'd be prudent to stop Athena from being out for - unwittingly, their blood - before attempting to bed her again, however. And possibly fall in love. But that's not part of the plan, right? Right. (Alternatively, you can be any god or goddess you'd like to be, permitting it makes sense that they would be the one showing Athena 'round the human world. I just used Aphrodite/Apollo as examples.) Elder Scrolls: Skyrim (MxF or FxF unless otherwise stated) adventurerxalchemist At first, it was cute how the adventurer kept returning for more potions. After all, that's what the alchemist did - a steady patronage was always welcome. It was obvious the adventurer was somewhat inept, always catching something common and completely avoidable like ataxia or rockjoint, but the money is good, especially since the sleepy town of Kynsgrove doesn't get much use of the alchemist, being a mostly rural mining settlement. When the alchemist's favourite adventurer suddenly stops coming, though, the alchemist becomes anxious. Scoffing, at first - what do they care of one less reckless adventurer in the world? - but also worried, as they had come to enjoy the adventurer's clumsy yet jovial and kind nature. Cursing their soft heart, the alchemist closes up shop and goes searching for their adventurer, somehow managing to fall for the idiot before they even get to them - dying in a Dwemer ruin. Now, time and fate against them, the alchemist is forced to nurse the adventurer back to health in the dangerous Skyrim wild whilst also protecting them both. I'm honestly too tired to add more plots right now, but rest assured that I will - these two are just the beginning, and they aren't set in stone either. Negotiation is an important part of roleplaying. :^) I'm not against any of these becoming mature (though I am 18+ and I expect you to be, too), I'd just not like it to be the center of roleplay. If you'd like them to become mature, we'll work out the more adult terms via PM. Also - I will always 1x1 through PM. I just prefer it that way. As for rules - well, honestly, just be a decent person with a decent grasp on the English language. I'd like at least a paragraph each PM, but shit happens, yeah? I like to have minor CS's when 1x1'ing just so we both have an idea of the character we're playing with, but I mean, it doesn't have to be a long, drawn out thing unless you want it to be. & no anime pictures. Pretty please. Alright! Here's to hoping.