Sorry, It took me forever to get the format right for the skills and stuff. [hider= Vitoria Briar] [center][img][/img][/center] [COLOR=EE82EE][B]Name:[/B][/COLOR] Vitoria Briar [B][COLOR=EE82EE]Age:[/COLOR][/B] 18 [B][COLOR=EE82EE]Personality:[/COLOR][/B] She is a very kind person, and will often go out of her way to try and make someone’s day, she enjoys seeing people smile. She is slow to anger, and quick to forgive. She is a loyal friend and very cunning in the face of adversity, coming up with plans that would seem childish in their simplicity but prove her instincts are spot-on. She’s very good at reading people, and at estimating how any situation would most likely turn out. People just naturally feel comfortable with her around, they are glad to call her a friend. [B][COLOR=EE82EE]Backstory:[/COLOR][/B] Vitoria is the only daughter of a slightly upper class family that lived in the countryside around the capital city of Edessa. She had two older brothers, who are now fighting in the war, and one younger brother who travels with her. Her parents were healers, her mother able to use healing magics and her father well-versed in the arts of physical healing. Both her parents are busy tending to those wounded in the capital city. Her family ran a small clinic out of their home, and Vitoria loved to help out in any way possible. Often, she would be tasked with cheering up a patient, or keeping visitors calm. She often mimicked the things she saw her parents doing to help the patients, and her parents acted upon that show of interest, training her to become a healer just like them. She learned quickly, and soon found that she genuinely likes to help people. By the time she was 12 years old, she was a good nurse. She had wonderful bedside manner and was always able to get the patient to cheer up. She was well-liked in the area, and her family's clinic grew in popularity as word spread of the good atmosphere and good care. When she turned 15, she and her mother found out about her magical ability, healing like her mother along with the ability to harm in the same way. The ability she has to harm scares her, and she sometimes tries to pretend that she doesn't have the ability at all. Because of this, whenever she practiced her magic she would only use the healing ability, leaving her fairly good at healing, but still very, very bad at controlling any of the harming ability. She doesn't like the thought of hurting people, and now as one of the older people leaving Edessa, she's forced to carry a dagger and a bow so she can help defend the group if needed. She can use the hunting bow she carries, but she doesn't want to. She learned how to shoot because of childhood competitions between her and her older brothers. [COLOR=EE82EE][B]Skills and Abilities:[/B][/COLOR] Adept Healing magic - She can create apple-sized balls of Healing energy and throw them about 10 meters before they fizz out, Whoever they hit will get a small boost of energy and wounds will heal quicker for about an hour. She can focus this energy onto her hands and heal major wounds quicker by touching the person or holding her hands over the wound, she can keep this up for about 15 minutes before she tires, and in another 5 minutes will pass out. This magic cannot cure poisons, but it can help draw them out, and she cannot use this ability on herself. Novice Harming magic - She can create apple-sized balls of Harming energy (the opposite of Healing energy) and throw them about 3 meters before they fizz out, Whoever they hit will get a burning sensation across their body and will bleed where the ball touched them. She can also focus this energy to anywhere on her body, extremely intensifying the pain felt by anyone who touches her like that. As far as she knows, she can only use short 1 or 2 minute bursts of this. Journeyman Barrier magic - By mixing Healing and Harming energy she can create a wall of sorts, the larger the wall, the shorter the amount of time that she can keep it up. A wall about the size of a door will last about 10-15 minutes before she tires, and in about 3 minutes after that she will faint. The wall can't move, but she can, so long as she focuses on keeping the wall up she could protect someone for a while and she can go on ahead with a group at the same time, she can't get too far away though, 100 meters is about the limit. Professional Traditional healing - She can set a bone in minutes, and get all the poison out of a wound. She knows how to wield a scalpel and stitch a wound together with precision and has a good amount of knowledge about the medicinal herbs across the country. Trained Nurse - She knows how to deal with a patient and how to keep others out of the way when she's working, she also has good focus in any medical situation. Trained Caregiver - She is good at keeping young children in line and at negotiating with older children due to helping raise her younger brother. Journeyman Archer - She's a fair shot due to the games she played with her brothers, but she won't shoot people if she doesn't have to. Adept Cooking - She is a good cook, even in the wild. Singing - She will sing children to sleep and sing just for fun. She has a good voice. [B][COLOR=EE82EE]Equipment:[/COLOR][/B] A Dagger - She has no idea how to wield it and will most likely use it as an extra tool more than as a weapon. Homemade Hunting Bow and Arrows - A bow she made with the help of her two older brothers. Sewing Kit - Along with threads and needles to mend clothing, she has special thread and sutures to sew people together too. Assorted Bandages - She has many, and always keeps some on her person. Sharpened Scalpels - One with a larger blade for worse or deeper wounds, and a smaller one that she keeps on her person at all times for quick care of a wound and bloodletting poisons from the system. A Bottle of Alcohol - for cleaning wounds and tools. A Knapsack - holding a few keepsakes and a change of clothes for her, along with a smaller bag for all of her medical supplies and as many rations and such she could bring. [/hider]