Abigail watched the whole thing without a word. What was there to say? The man was how he was, nothing wrong with that. Though, her gut feeling told her there was something very wrong with how he came about his current state. Whoever the soul was who did this was going to wish he could've just skipped to hell when she reached him. "Yep." She nodded at his question about sailing soon and sat down in front of him. She crossed her legs and rested her plate on top of them. "We'll head out just as soon as the new navigator's head stops trying to break through his skull, or when I finish my breakfast. Whichever comes first." She picked up a piece of fruit, finished it, and then another. Pretty soon she was sucking things down almost as quickly as Nautilus. What was more impressive was the mess she made. There wasn't any, at least if you looked at her or her clothes, but around her, it looked like everything had been tossed up and fell into a blender without any sides to it. "Delicious." She said, wiping her mouth. "My compliments to the chef, or there will be once I get a chance." She made a mental note if it, and then another one to remember about the mental note. "So then." She got up and popped her back. "If there's nothing else, I think its about time we get this show on the road. Let me just get the crew on the channel and have everyone get up here. Its bad luck to start a cruise without everyone up to see the land get so small you know you'll drown trying to get back to it without a boat." She put her fingers to her lips and gave a whistle. Fenris came rushing up, grinning manically. "Calm down there boy." She said looking down into the tunnel that led below deck. "Can't do that every time or it'll loose its impact, you know?" The wolf cocked its head in confusion. "Remember the paper when you were a puppy?" There was a mild growl at the back of his throat. "Exactly. If I used it for every little thing it would've lost its stopping power." She put her hands over her mouth and took a deep breath. "Ladies and gentlemen. Its time to being our journey. So get done with what your doing, or find a place to stop. Either way get up here to give the land a good bye kiss." Despite her size the sound of her voice bounced around the entirety of the ship.