Bundard strolled casually along the road, taking in the forest and its dense undergrowth, such beauty was rare in keridian and he was glad it was not so in Gerwidd. Pulling his back pack up and over his shoulder, opening the outside pocket, he pulled out his Talisman. [i]This is the spot, theres the post-sign [/i] he thought. Laying it flat on the ground Bundard gathered the rocks and pebbles that lay around, as well as a large stone slab that had fallen from the ruined and ancient post-sign and piled them in front of the talisman. After this Bundard took himself into the woods and returned with a large bark strip piled high with dirt and grit, dragging it along the ground. Tipping the earth ontop of the stone pile, Bundard disgaurded the bark - throwing it into the wilderness. Taking his forefinger Bundard began to draw a faguely humanoid figure. When he had finished, he placed his Talisman on top of this 'man' in the dirt and placing a hand on the pile of rocks and earth - muttered a few words. It stood, and it followed him into the trees, where they waited.