[s]Ryu and Ryusei, I can only imagine the confusion and fun. We need to start a ryu club.[/s] [hider=ryu club for ryu and ryusei] [img]http://img.wonderhowto.com/img/01/19/63485999707076/0/become-ryuk-from-death-note-for-halloween.w654.jpg[/img] We have a death note. And apples, lots of apples. [img]http://p1.i.ntere.st/eb32330d1499ea37f9c1d4a3ce90cd36_480.jpg[/img] We also have scissor blades and scanty outfits that boost our power levels through the atmosphere. [img]https://okinawatime.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/ryukyu-kingdom.jpg[/img] It's a god damn country club too, we have a fortress and like nobility. [/hider]