[b]Name[/b]: Arthur Geoffrey Shepherd [b]Age[/b]: 30 years old [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Nationality:[/b] He hales from Phoenix, Arizona, until he hailed from a rain cloud. [b]Vassel of:[/b] I'm not sure but I think you mispelled Vessel. Arthur is the Vessel/Vassel of Cernunnos [b]Equipment[/b]: A Shotgun, I don't know anything about guns, so let's just say it's a triple gauge. [b]Powers[/b]: He can understand the magic from any grimoire, any spellbook, and learn them instantly. He can brew magical potions which are superior to any mortals. He already knows the basics of magic just by having Cernunnos as his superior. So he can use any magic at it's basic level, even without requirements met for the lower level magic. (Like, causing things to move just through his sheer will is easy. Trying to lift a Mach Truck will take heavy strength and concentration) He isn't a magician though, so he has to learn better magics through studying. He can speak with animals, or even plants and they can grant him effective information. He has premonitions which can be a gift of opportunity, a warning against danger, or a prompting to strike first against an enemy. Once he marks someone in his mind as "Prey", he gains mystically granted advantages against that person in order to track them down and take them out. This is when he gains the power to fight, master every weapon, and way to hunt and enemy down by using his circumstial powers. He has remote viewing/clairvoyance of the present time, meaning he can view areas from a great distance away with his mind. He is supernaturally strong and can grant higher strength to any man. Women don't receive his power of strength since Cernunnos's purview is more focused on the male. (Namely testosterone). Although he can focus to gain higher strength, if he overloads he can enter a dangerous berserk state. Lastly, he can shape raw magic into a shield around him or a blast of energy against his enemies. He needs concentration to do this, and isn't experienced. He is instinctively extremely gifted with all archaic fighting, with swords, bows and arrows, spears, axes, swords, etcetera, in a way that no one can be just born knowing how to fight. He is a better swordsman than Zorro, is capable of firing a bow and arrow one thousand meters, blind folded, somehow, can fight like a Samurai Master with Medieval Japanese weapons, and knows the Human and animal anatomy so good he can fight like a born Master assassin. [b]**This is circumsantial, for instance**[/b] [b]Personality[/b]: He's happy, introvertive, but pleasant, smart, respectful and capable of great awareness of his surroundings through focus. He usually doesn't have that focus and loses concentration to anything. He can be very charismatic if he tries, however. [b]History[/b]: (Important. What was your character's reason for forming the Contract) [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://imgur.com/xZpA9It][img]http://i.imgur.com/xZpA9It.jpg[/img][/url]