[@Light] Training new employees, ehh? Just out of curiosity, where did you bury the bodies? :P [quote=@GhostReaper] I always ending up having to train people at work...it's annoying cause 9 times out of 10 they are retarded mouth breathing neck beards. [/quote] Speaking as a neck beard myself I'll have you know I take great offense at that. Completely agree with the retarded mouth-breathing part of the comment though. :) It's nice the way that when I apply for a job with a sheet full of experience and qualifications I get told I'm overqualified and likely not to remain with the company for long (even when I assure them I'll looking for a life-long career with internal promotion) and they then turn around and give the position to someone who has difficulty figuring out which way up to hold a pen to get it to write. "Okay, second attempt now... No, it's not sideways either..." :|