They were a notch or two above her usual catches, she was going to give them that, but nothing more. A low grunt could be heard as she covered her face from the flying sand, but still having a few particles land on her eyes. In little time, she removed the sand from her eyes and began her ascent over the wall, only to be met with several archways when she reached the other side. It was slowing her down, but she was going to catch up to them and bring them back to Iluq, that she was absolutely sure of. The woman continued her chase, becoming more and more annoyed with every tactic they used. ---- Masaru looked at Chit Zai with alert and surprise. He didn't understand why his master was telling this woman that he was the avatar, and if she were to be a spy or assassin, she could have ended them right then and there. He could only watch as Chit Zai prepared a lightning attack for the waterbenders who had been chasing them. The woman that was standing before them displayed an ability that Masaru could only recognize as airbending. She had used her bending to move some sort of powder into a stream. He didn't understand what it did, maybe lead their pursuers to believe that it was that way they were moving. He couldn't dwell on it was long as he would have liked to, as in a single and fluid motion, the airbender woman pushed away an ice spike and pushed himself forward. He could feel a hand push the small of his back, forcing him to stumble forward. Upon hearing her words, urging him to continue moving. Marasu continued to stumble forward, trying his best to transition into a run. It didn't work as well as he had hoped, but he did keep on moving. The young man looked back at his teacher and the woman who had seemingly stumbled into him. He wasn't sure what her stance was, but she didn't seem to be after him. "Come on Sifu!" He said to Chit Zai, refusing to stop moving.