Hello there person reading this thread! Amy Bri is in da house! Man, I love this font... So, I'm amybri18, though most people just call me Amy (or ami for some reason) online. I've been roleplaying since around February, and I'm currently on 4 different forums (just for abit of choice, you know). Well, 5 now, since this website came up. I am mainly advanced, although I also do intermediate (or causal as some people call it). I don't like simple/beginner, though I will sometimes do it if I [i]really[/i] like the plot. I am a grammar freak, and I [i]hate[/i] grammar mistakes. It really annoys me. I will pretty much right in any tense (not future tense, 'cause who uses that?) and will write in any person (1st, 2nd, or 3rd, I don't care). I like fantasy, sci-fi, modern, you name it! The one genre I won't do is horror. Also, I love plots involving magic (being a Harry Potter fan this is obvious). So, looking forward to RPing on the new-found website place! Amy out! OMG! DANCING BANANA SMILIES! Now, how do you add smilies... #noob